The United States Supreme Court Is Lawfully Compelled To Rule On Non-Legislative "Rulings- By Harsha Sankar(December 2020)
This Monday, (December 14th)the Electoral College must cast votes for President. On January 6th, the House and Senate accept the votes by electors. Electors per state can be prohibited from voting if both houses feel they were not chosen in the properly prescribed manner.
There were many rule changes by non-legislative entities that allowed such numerous stark anomalies and yet the US SC refused to confirm the US Constitution.
All the United States Supreme Court had to do is opine that these rule changes by the executive and judicial branch were not constitutional. No one was asking them to overturn an election.
Once the US SC opined like they should have, it would be the prerogative of each state executive and then finally each state legislature to decide, since those rule changes were no longer legally valid, if the earlier and original laws would have allowed a different determinative outcome to be yielded.
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