Saturday, December 05, 2020

The Legislative And Judicial Handling Of Fraudulent Elections-Part Two (A Harsha Sankar Article-December 2020)


For President Trump's representatives and advocates, they must realize the following.

1. The state judiciary deals with proven facts that determine cases between two parties.They are in no position to cast a verdict on the entire election. For them to get involved, real crimes would have to have been committed. The judiciary simply will not deal with defects due to incompetence and ineptitude.
2. The state's executive branch(Secretary Of State and Governor),they certify elections in their capacity of an inspector. Evidence, either circumstantial or proven, speculative or hard, has to be weighed by them before they can deem an election as not worthy of certification. For that to happen, they have to believe that the evidence contaminated the elections to such a broad based extent, the elections were not capable in producing clear results. This could be due both to incompetence or crime.
3. The state's legislative branch is ultimately responsible for the choosing of electors. They can, according to the authority vested in them, act according to their own beliefs and convictions. No evidence is necessary for them to be compelled to take decisions. If Trump's representatives can convince the legislatures in those states that have disputed results that the elections were defective to the extent it yielded the wrong winner, then those legislatures can decide accordingly. In other words, Trump's representatives do not have to allege that the entire system of elections was faulty. They instead just need to claim that there were enough defects in the casting and counting of ballots to change the outcome of the election. The defects neither have to be factually proven nor does it have to be deemed as a crime.

The sooner Trump's representatives realize this, the better. Frankly, the American People will not accept judicial intervention as the remedy as much as they would the acts of the legislature. Since the legislators are elected by the People directly, if they invalidate the election and deem it as "failed", it would be much more accepted by the rank and file citizenry. The American People need to see that voters, and not attorney-monopolized courts, decided this Presidential election.

I do feel that the controversy pertaining to the elections is a red herring and a weapon of mass distraction to divert people's attention from the real issue at hand. That issue is vaccinations because it symbolizes enslavement to the NWO!


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