Saturday, December 05, 2020

The Legislative And Judicial Handling Of Fraudulent Elections-Part One (A Harsha Sankar Article-December 2020)

Only the United States Supreme Court, of all judicial bodies, should be involved at this stage of dealing with fraudulent elections.

The lower courts should not be approached at this stage because they simply cannot invalidate an election. They also cannot change defective laws. The lower courts can apply and support existing laws but only if two parties are involved. The courts also need to have direct evidence produced that is unique to the specific case being filed.

I really do not know why "Legal Team Trump" is wasting their time and resources approaching these inferior courts. They need to approach the executive branch officials instead(Secretary of State and/or Governor) to protest their pending certification of the election. Moreover, they need to really approach the legislative branch and ask them to not accept certification from the executive branch.

After all, the state legislatures have final authority on who the electors will be. If they opine that the certification process by the state's executive branch was indeed flawed,they can rescind that certification. In any event, they have the authority to unilaterally choose the electors.

Yes there has been widespread fraud pertaining to the election process. However, at this stage, it is indeed only speculative.The courts are doing the right thing to reject these lawsuits from "Legal Team Trump". What they are telling this team is to approach the executive and much more importantly the legislative branch of the state to air their grave concerns about the highly probable voting and election fraud.


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