Monday, February 15, 2021

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Three (A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Three

Please read my last post about the possibility of Mike Pence being selected as Acting President. Pence can only be selected as Acting President if the following occurs.

1. Either he, as Vice-President/President Of The Senate, or Congress blocks votes from electors, causing no Presidential candidate to reach the 270 vote mark.
2. If the House of Representatives, in casting votes for the Presidential candidate on a per State basis, fails to award a majority vote to any candidate.
3. If the Senate awards him the majority vote in his bid to serve as Vice-President.

If Pence was to be selected as Acting President, would President Trump then pursue "martial law" remedies in deciding this election? That would be highly doubtful. It would have already been acknowledged that elections were "failed" in at least 2 of the six States in question. Therefore, the need to use such extreme remedies to rectify fraudulent elections would make no sense. The discussion of the legitimate elections and its results would be declared to be moot. Most importantly, if that discussion weighed in Trump's favor, how could he launch "martial law" remedies?

Finally, how can Trump do anything drastic if his own pick for Vice-President was selected to serve as Acting President? For him to pursue the "nuclear option" to prevent the inauguration of Biden/Harris would be perceived as acceptable and necessary. For him to do that to block Pence would be absolutely politically disastrous. His own base would turn on him.


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