Monday, February 15, 2021

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Four(A Harsha Sankar Article)

The Prospects Of Presidential Election in January 2021-Part Four

In previous posts,I wrote about independence. Most of the Republican Party operatives and elected officeholders don't care for Trump because of his independence. He gets his power source directly from the "People". The electorate is who he directly answers to and communicates with.

Most of the Democrat Party operatives and elected officeholders don't care for Biden/Harris because of their independence. They each get their source of power directly from small elite, such as the Clintons, Obamas, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, and few others who control Democratic Party. This small elite rigged primaries so Biden would win nomination so that Kamala Harris would eventually serve as De Facto President. Both Biden and Harris answer to this small elitist group and Biden/Harris would "carry water" for them.

That is why most political operatives and elected officials from both parties prefer Pence. He respects their institutions. They very much want a candidate who will toe their party line, platform. agenda, and authority. Both Trump or HRC's puppet Harris are deemed too independent and aloof of their will and their structure.

If the Presidential Election was sent to the House Of Representatives, do not be surprised if abstention occurs in several states for the preceding reasons. This abstention measure would be in order to produce the desired result that the broad based political operatives desire.


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