Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Crossroads Of Oppression's End: Liberty Or Greater Tyranny-Part Four South Africa Session Eight


This part of this series about South Africa addresses the key question "If life in many respects was better under Apartheid than it is now, should South Africa go back to it?" The answer is a resounding no.

It is true that Africa has fared the worst of all subjugated continents in terms of shaking the yoke of colonialism and racist dictatorships. In many respects, life got much worse for many African nations after that yoke was removed.

Any nation that becomes independent will have its "growing pains". When a child is growing up, he/she has their parents to take care of them. As an adult, one gains independence that gives him/her liberties to do as he/she chooses. However, one must forsake the benefit systems that the parents provided during his/her childhood. This usually means people will have to struggle to make it on their own. 

The described principle applies to nationhood. However, a flawed Democratic model can and will lead to a flawed Republic form of government. This will result in tyranny based on malgovernance. South Africa must make its governance much more Representative, both in its Democracy and its Republic, so that it can make far better transition into a free and stable society.

Read my next post for the prospective solutions needed to guide South Africa into achieving a more successful transition.


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