Saturday, May 28, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Thirty-Four (Session Two) Balance Of Power In Democratic Models

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Thirty-Four (Session Two) Balance Of Power In Democratic Models

The U.S. Senate, since it is land-based democratic model, is more insulated from the People than the House Of Representatives. Imagine if the Vice-President was chosen by the U.S. Senate instead of being elected by the citizenry. That officeholder would be more insulated that he/she is now. He/she would be too aloof from the basic needs and rights of the People.

The selected VP would make the U.S. Senate much more land-based and therefore much more insulated than it is now. A government entity that is too homogeneous will become too autonomous. That breeds tyranny because of the polarizing factor.

Cliff Notes Version: The Founding Fathers did not want a legislative house to be too homogeneous. If the U.S. Senate had its President (Vice-President of the United States) chosen by its members, it would be too land-based and too insulted to the People.

A legislative house that is too polarized becomes too autonomous and tyrannical. There needs to be counterweights.


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