Friday, May 27, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Thirty-Three Federal Judges (Session One)

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices  Part Thirty-Three Federal Judges (Session One) 

According to the U.S. Constitution, the President nominates a judge for either one of the 94 United States District Courts, one of the 13 United States Court Of Appeals, the United States Supreme Court, or other federal courts. The U.S. Senate confirms these choices.

When the U.S. Constitution was written, it was the united States of America. The federal government was a "shell" of what it is now. The states were sovereign republics and the only federal law was the U.S. Constitution.

There really was no federal court system for the first 80 years of the Republic. The U.S. Supreme Court was really just an advisory body on US Constitutional matters prior to the U.S. Civil War.

Since the passage of the 14th Amendment, federal laws superseded state laws and have become all-encompassing. As a result, the layers of federal courts have been established all across the nation.

The transfer of sovereignty from the state governments to the federal government happened over 150 years ago. Whether that phenomenon made America more of a Representative Democratic Republic or less is really debatable. Since this is the case, the U.S. Constitution should have been amended to reflect this shift in sovereignty. Moreover, certain federal laws should have been passed as well to prevent the federal courts from becoming too autocratic. 

Cliff Notes Version: At the time the US Constitution was drafted, the federal government was just a shell as it is now. Back then, the Founding Fathers wanted each and every individual state to primarily provide governance. The only federal law they wanted was the U.S Constitution. They also only wanted the U.S. Supreme Court to be an advisory body to both the legislative and executive branch.

Obviously the 14th Amendment changed all that. Now layers of federal courts, laws, and regulations rule the nation. There needs to be certain federal laws in existence to prevent the federal courts from becoming too autocratic.


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