Friday, May 27, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Twenty-Six The Filling Of Vacancies In The Federal Executive Heads Of Law Enforcement- Department Of Justice Head Executive

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices
Part Twenty-Six
The Filling Of Vacancies In The Federal Executive Heads Of Law Enforcement- Department Of Justice Head Executive

If a DOJ Head Executive cannot complete his/her term for any reason (removal, retirement, resignation, or death), then the DOJ Assistant Head Executive earlier appointed by that DOJ Head Executive becomes the Substitute DOJ Head Executive till the end of the next U.S. House of Representatives session.
During that legislative session, if that term of the last full-time DOJ Head Executive expires before that next legislative session takes place, then the Vice-President nominates a new eligible individual to serve as DOJ Head Executive. Confirmation by members of the U.S. House of Representatives via majority vote, provided all quorum limits are met, is needed for an appointment to be made.
If that term of the last full-time DOJ Head Executive expires after the end of the next legislative session, then the Vice-President unilaterally selects a new eligible individual at that next legislative session to act as DOJ Head Executive. The Acting DOJ Head Executive conducts his/her duties till the expiration of the vacated DOJ Head Executive's term.
An Acting DOJ Head Executive is subject to nomination by the VPOTUS and then to confirmation by the U.S. House of Representatives if he/she desires to become DOJ Head Executive after he/she completes the term of the last DOJ Head Executive. After such nomination and confirmation, the Acting DOJ Head Executive becomes the DOJ Head Executive for the entire next new term. If that candidate is not both nominated and confirmed, the process of choosing this position starts over again with the Vice-President nominating another individual for this position (DOJ Head Executive) subject to U.S. House of Representatives confirmation.
The federal legislature or POTUS should not get involved in the selection of an Acting DOJ Head Executive. That would demonstrate direct democratic mode as involvement by too many government bodies would mean too much political interference.
Both the POTUS and members of the federal legislatures have a much more active role in government than the VPOTUS. Therefore both entities are more likely to possibly commit acts that would warrant investigation by the Federal DOJ Office than the VPOTUS. In lieu of this, neither the POTUS nor federal legislatures should have involvement in the selection of an Acting Federal DOJ.
Moreover the POTUS or federal legislatures should also not be allowed to nominate any candidate for DOJ Head Executive. If the POTUS or federal legislatures had such involvement, that would strongly indicate Imperial Democratic Mode.
It must be noted that all those who serve as the substitute for this position can only serve till the end of the next federal legislative session. If that Substitute DOJ Head Executive was allowed to serve as Acting DOJ Head Executive, that would demonstrate Imperial Democratic mode. A DOJ Assistant Head Executive serving as the Substitute DOJ Head Executive should never be allowed to become Acting DOJ Head Executive or even DOJ Head Executive.
Only an eligible individual who has never served as a DOJ Head Executive in any capacity (Substitute, Acting, formerly or presently Actual) should be allowed to be selected as Acting DOJ Head Executive. Only an eligible individual who has never served as a Substitute DOJ Head Executive or as DOJ Head Executive should be allowed to be selected as The DOJ Head Executive. Without these limitations, Imperial Democratic mode would result as it would cause centralization of power into the hands of these executives.

Cliff Notes Version: The DOJ Head Assistant Executive who the DOJ Head Executive earlier appointed becomes the Substitute DOJ Head Executive till the end of the next U.S. House of Representatives session. If the term of vacated DOJ Head Executive expires prior to the next U.S. House of Representatives session, then the VPOTUS nominates and the U.S. House of Representatives session confirms a new eligible individual for the position of DOJ Head Executive. If the term of vacated DOJ Head Executive expires after the end of the next U.S. Senate session, then the VPOTUS unilaterally selects a new eligible individual for the position of Acting DOJ Head Executive.
The choosing of any acting officeholder has to be more non-political than the choosing of an officeholder. Involvement from too many government bodies means direct democratic mode. This means too much political interference. At the same time, no DOJ Head Executive (substitute, Acting, formerly or currently Actual) should be allowed to serve as Acting DOJ Head Executive. Also no DOJ Head Executive (substitute or formerly Actual) should be allowed to serve the Actual DOJ Head Executive.
The POTUS and members of the federal legislatures, having a much more active role in government than the VPOTUS, should be prohibited from involvement of the choosing of Acting DOJ Head Executive. The POTUS and federal legislatures should also not be allowed to nominate any candidate for DOJ Head Executive.


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