Saturday, October 08, 2022

The Greatest Tyranny Hails From Flawed Democracy And A Flawed Republic

The biggest amount and truest form of tyranny will never come from an unelected dictator who is not chosen at all by democratic means. The biggest amount and truest form of tyranny will always come from a flawed democratic system itself. That flawed democratic system will always erode the rights and responsibilities of the individual, That flawed democratic system will always forsake representative governance for either imperialistic governance or direct democratic governance. 

When an election politician get approval from the electorate, he or she can easily interpret that to justify his/her tyrannical actions. Always remember that elected officeholders can be the most tyrannical and dysfunctional. They feel their tyranny is sanctioned and mandated by The People.

In Hindu mythology, demons would pray to God for the boon of near immortality. Once they got this boon, they did what they wanted. Politicians in a flawed democratic system can act the same way. They can do as they please until the next election.

Always remember that the only difference between dictatorship and democracy is how officeholders are chosen. Republic is the form of government. 

President Vladimir Putin achieved his Tsar-like powers from democracy only. He obtain this unaccountable authority from the direct democratic model only as he appealed directly to the constituents. His 70% approval rating from the vote bank has enabled him to become the tyrant he is today.


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