Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part One (February 2022)
Ukraine, Taiwan, and the New World Order-Part One
Is history repeating itself?
Does the Putin-Xi "No Limits Partnership" parallel the Tojo-Hitler "Anti-Comintern Pact" 86 years ago? Is this a lesson not learned?
Many would like for the world to think so. After all, with Russia eying Ukraine and China eyeing Taiwan, one can see the common traits that these two nations have with pre-WW2 Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
However, that is where the parallels ends and reality begins. Russia does have legitimate claims. They simply do not want any nation belonging to NATO bordering its nation. After all, Russia was promised that NATO would never expand, period. Not only has NATO expanded to include former Warsaw Pact nation, that organization is now trying to incorporate former Soviet Union Republics in its ranks. This is totally unacceptable and yet the Western/Zionist media does not report this to its people.
They also do not want strike missile systems in Eastern Europe. Again, this is a reasonable desire. As the USA has withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the fears of Russia are understandably paramount. That nation could easily be subject to blackmail. These offensive and aggressive systems are currently in Romania and Poland.
What if all this were deployed within proximity of the United States? Wait, that actually happened. It was called the Cuban Missile Crisis that happened 60 years ago. That crisis almost led to a nuclear war between the USA and USSR.
Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. This posted article will not discuss the legitimacy of this annexation. Ukraine has stated that they wish to retrieve Crimea and they cite military means as justification. If Ukraine was to join NATO, they certainly would be the recipients of the most modern armament. The highly offensive systems that are deployed in Eastern Europe would now be deployed in Ukraine, a nation that not just has a large Russian ethnic minority but is contiguous to it.
How is any of this acceptable to Russia? Why is there even a need for NATO as the Soviet Union dissolved 30 years ago? NATO won back then. Not only are they still in existence, they are aggressively expanding. This makes no sense and yet the people of the Western World are not informed of this.
Please read the next post as it will elaborate on President Vladimir and China.
Cliff Notes Version:
Russian President Putin demands three things.
1. NATO does not expand to include nations that are contiguous to it.
3. USA does not ever try to help NATO with nuclear weapons.
His demand are legitimate. Yet the NWO press is portraying him as a warmonger. 

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