Friday, December 02, 2022

Common Sense Is Needed To Understand The Plandemic-January 2022


Common sense can often be underutilized. It is not always common knowledge. In fact, it often is not.

The Covid "Plandemic" was never a pandemic. It was just a serious outbreak that could have, would have, and should have been contained and neutralized within three-four months if the proper protocols were implemented. Yet this "pandemic" remains perpetual,mainly because the prescribed solutions in dealing with this is based on fallacies. One fallacy is the emphasis on constant mask-wearing.

Obviously the idea of wearing a mask is to prevent the Covid pathogen from entering into the body. For this to happen, this can only mean the mask is meant to be in contact with this opportunistic pathogen. If the mask absorbs Covid and prevents people from absorbing it, then people should ask this one simple question? "Why are there no bio-hazard measures utilized in the disposal of used masks?" When people discharge their own bodily waste, they do not do this in a regular garbage bag. They discharge this in a proper toilet so that this waste can be immediately treated by the proper sewage facility. If this is not done, the health risks created become extremely significant. Yet worn-out and used masks are seen everywhere.

If the "Pandemic" is real, then why are people not told to put their used masks in bio-hazard disposal units only? Just like every residential and commercial building has toilets to take care of human waste, should not the same hold true for the disposal of masks? According to the logic be spewed by the "Authorities", since they consider Covid to be plague-like, this should be the case. After all, no one one has ever worn a mask to guard against influenza. Since there has been no urgency expressed about the need to treat used and worn-out masks as bio-hazards threats, people need to see through this hypocrisy.

It is obvious the "authorities", highly influenced by the New World Order globalists, do not view used masks as a serious threat because they realize that Covid indeed is not a serious threat. Please remember that these NWO globalists control both sides of the narrative. One side will constantly express the constant need for masks, "VAX", lockdowns, and social distancing so they can implement tyranny. The other side will express that there is no threat and it is all just an elaborate hoax. They do this so people do not take Covid seriously as they should and many end up getting either sick or dead.

When this happens, people then feel pressurized to accepting tyranny. It is high time people start asking such basic questions. After all, this pandemic will soon enter its third year in existence.


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