Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Essential Procedures In Voting

Dear Citizen,                                                                 December 2021    

         It is imperative that the process of voting maintains its total integrity. Listed are essential procedures.                                     

         1. Paper ballots should be used by voters and they have to be signed by an indelible marker!
         2. Vote counting should be video recorded.
         3. Vote counting should be conducted by proper state official bureaucratic agents.
         4. Vote counting has to be witnessed by all representatives of candidates and a local government official.
         5. Totals then need to be immediately and conspicuously posted at each precinct. The voting procedures that should be the same for secret balloting should also be the same for public balloting. The only difference is if there is a need for a recount, with public balloting there will be 100% traceability.
With secret balloting there will always be a discrepancy.
         With public balloting, voters' choices for public office need to be on display at every voting precinct after all the tabulation of votes. Voters' choices then need to be recorded in every local office responsible for registration and election.

          Each precinct has on average 1100 voters. There are precincts who have as many as 2800 voters and those who will have as few as 450. Posting names of voters and their choices at the precinct is not a difficult task. It obviously will not be considered as an easy task but voting and vote counting are not meant to be convenient. If these activities are too easy, the electorate will never be properly screened and election results will never be 100% accurate.

           America definitely need a much better quality electorate. Votes cast by concerned citizens focused on public issues are being cancelled by votes cast by voters who are concerned about totally frivolous issues, such as image, personal matters, and appearances! Public balloting is the first step in restoring the Representative Republic for which all Americans must stand.


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