Saturday, December 03, 2022

Public Balloting Is The Spark Plug To Restore Representative Governance-Part Three

The elected public officeholder/servant is supposed to serve the entire constituency and not any specific individual(s). That is why voting must be public and collective, not private and individualistic. With that public authority of choosing any citizen who will wield public authority comes public responsibility. This is the reason why only adults should be allowed to vote.

While a minor should have the same rights in all criminal and civil matters as an adult, a minor will never have the same privileges. It must be also understood just like driving on public roads, voting is a privilege. Privileges, such as civil rights, come from the government and not the Creator.

Anything issued and provided by any branch of the government must be publicly transparent, period. There is supposed to be the right to privacy when it comes to personal, business, and work-related matters. However, when it relates to choosing those who directly deal with public law, that right to privacy should not apply nor should it be in existence.

Public casting ballots is not utopian. It is a necessity! It can be risky for a citizen if the public knows how that citizen voted. However, risks must be taken and sacrifices must be made. There are already laws that protect people and their property from physical violence. There is no point and purpose in voting unless one reveals his/her choice to the public. A vote in secret is a wasted voted that has no meaning. Confirmation and receipt on which candidates a citizen voted for and not just if a citizen voted is an absolute must.

People will initially resist this idea as they have been casting secret ballots for generations. However, they have to understand that freedom and representative governance has its price. It will take time before they understand why public balloting is necessary! It is so important because it helps to "weed out" the non-committal "sheeple"! Choices for public officials who wield public authority should be publicly revealed!


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