The Central Focus Of Bill Gates Is Depopulation-January 2022
Gates bought 23 million US Dollars of Monsanto shares. He is now the
biggest promoter of Genetic Modified Foods and the "VAX" throughout the
entire planet.
His central focus and objective is depopulation.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation actually fund sterilization
programs that blast Men's scrotums with ultrasounds. The vaccines he has
previously promoted contain spermicides such as Triton-X. He has gone
on record calling for death panels who would take decision on who would
live or die if significantly ill.
Gates' father was head of what is now known as Planned Parenthood. Since
a disproportionate number of abortion clinics are in predominantly
Black neighborhoods, was it any wonder that when the "Covid Vax" was
being developed, a disproportionate number of Black Americans were
targeted for its experimentation.
Gates Foundation's pushed the polio vaccine. That vaccine caused 47,000
more paralysis than normally projected. It is now the leading cause of
polio. He has held meeting with Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to
create solutions to curb overpopulation.
Gates and other NWO Elites want to push the "VAX" and GMO's to create
this fiefdom in which they are the ruling elite and the vast majority of
mankind are chattel and wards. This is their endgame. Eugenics and
depopulation are their means.
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