Tuesday, January 17, 2023

 Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Nineteen Session Five

Philosophical Objectives Of The Representarian Party-Part Nineteen Session Five 

Pertaining to the phrase "He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client", the following must be noted.
An individual who works on his house's plumbing does not make that individual a plumber. An individual who paints his own house does not make that individual a painter. An individual who fixes his own car does not make that individual an auto mechanic. An individual who prepares a feast for family and friends does not make that individual a chef. Therefore an individual who presents his/her case in a court of law over a redress of grievances for adjudication purposes does not make that individual either a lawyer or an attorney at-law.

As cited in previous sessions, that phrase/quote was intended to apply to only those individual(s) who provide assistance of counsel to other individual(s) on a habitual basis. That phrase/quote was to prevent those individual(s) who habitually assist other individual(s) in the presentation of their cases from presenting his/her own case. 

The people who initially used that phrase were aware that those who habitually provided assistance of counsel to others would develop familiarity with the court(s) and its participants/members/officers. Therefore if "professional counsel" tried to present his/her own case, it would certainly appear that the habitual provider of assistance of counsel to others is indeed trying to solicit personal favors and preferential treatment from the court(s) and its participants/members/officers due to familiarity with each other.


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