The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six (Fascist Party Tyranny)
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session One (Fascist Party Tyranny)
Most people, especially from the USA, have grave misconceptions of Fascism.
There was some legitimacy to genuine Fascism. It may have culminated into tyranny but it was indeed helpful to society in certain respects on a temporary basis. The nation that this system was most practised was in Nazi Germany. China currently has a fascist economic model that has catapulted it to become a major economic player globally.
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Two (Fascist Party Tyranny)
In a communist/socialist system, the public government takes over and controls businesses. In a fascist system, businesses takes over and control government and some or many of its functions.
Fascism can be very effective on a short-term and temporary basis, particularly in a non-emergency situation. However it will lead to detrimental results if long-term employed. That model should also never be used in an emergency situation because it leads to corruption and to a breakdown in morale.
Communism/Socialism emphasizes egalitarianism. Fascism emphasizes productive "Growth 2.0".
Please read my next post as it will exemplify the foregoing.
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Three (Fascist Party Tyranny)
Fascism is when the private sector, mainly corporate, take over functions that normally should be administered by the democratically-selected executive branch's public bureaucracy and by its other public personnel. Examples are the following.
1. Private management of prisons.
3. Private ownership and/or management of commonwealth entities such roads, bridges, lakes, and rivers.
4. Private ownership and/or management of utilities that have no competition. Examples of this are electricity and piped water.
5. Private hiring of the police.
6. Private armies such as Blackwater(USA) and Wagner PMC(Russia). Both are privately managed who answer only to their customer, the head of the executive branch of government.
7. Private ownership and/or management of a nation's central bank which has the authority to print currency and raise/lower its interest rates.
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Four (Fascist Party Tyranny)
If Socialism/Communism is a Titanic ship with a hole in it, Fascism as an economic model is a ship with high-powered engines as boosters so that it can travel at unprecedented speed.
Fascism has legitimacy for the short-term during peacetime. China has achieved phenomenal growth in the last 40 years because of Fascism, which is "Growth 2.0". Fascism emphasizes growth and production above all else and at all costs. However the "bubble" will explode sooner or later in that "Dragon" nation.
Gradual privatization of businesses should be based on market principles. However private corporate influences of normal government functions is not based on such. Having cited that, private corporate influences on a short-term basis has proven to be beneficial. The fascist takeover by leading banks and banksters saved the American government and economy from total default and insolvency. However their supposed temporary presence became permanent instead. The Federal Reserve is about as federal as Federal Express and now every square inch of America has been mortgaged to them. Every American has been totally enslaved to them and also to their enforcement sister organization, the Bar Association.
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Five (Fascist Party Tyranny)
Fascism is different than socialism/communism. Most people erroneously assume that fascism takes place in authoritarian nations in which much power is centralized in the executive branch. That is simply not the case.
In advanced socialism and communism, the public sector owns nearly everything. In fascism, the private sector performs many government functions. Whether the government controls the private (corporate) sector or the private (corporate) sector controls government is really irrelevant. An analogy to that is the chicken or egg question. As long as there is that type of symbiotic relationship, that partnership becomes fascist and it will eventually breed tyranny if that symbiotic relationship becomes long-lasting and exceeds a certain reasonable period.
The most fascist societies are not even authoritarian nations anymore. Fascism is more prevalent in democratic nations than in executive branch authoritarian nations, executive head authoritarian nations, and single party legislative branch authoritarian nations. Look at the USA for example. Despite it having a supposed democracy, it has a Deep State.
The Deep State federal agencies operate without political oversight. Their budgets are "off the books" as its functions are controlled by the corporations who work at these agencies or by its "government employees" who operate these bureaucratic agencies as their private fiefdom. While no politician, namely the federal head executive (POTUS), should be overly intrusive, he or she should still be given proper oversight and command authority.
While the POTUS cannot issue regulation that is not in compliance with the law, he/she still has to determine that all non-law enforcement federal agencies comply with the law. This would obviously require the POTUS to have oversight and supervisory authority, which is currently not available to him/her presently. That private control by either or both contractors and " Deep State bureaucrats" is the essence of fascism.
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Six Session Six (Fascist Party Tyranny)
There are various examples as to how fascism has established itself in the USA. When most people think of fascism, they express the Wikipedia definition of it. Their depiction of Fascism is as a Far Right, ultranationalist, and even Racist ideology. This is not just an oversimplification of fascism, it instead really is a misleading categorization of this concept.
Fascism is really the private sector's corporate industrial contractors' control of government functions and/or the bureaucracy's control of private sector's corporate industrial contractors without political oversight and approval. Examples are the Military-Industrial Complex, the Medical-Industrial Complex, and the current Deep State Intelligence Agencies.
There are times that fascism is necessary such as the utilization of private construction firms to build government infrastructure. Fascism becomes tyranny when this use become long-term. An example of this is the application of fascism to a specific government project, such as ownership or management of a highway, airport, seaport, or park.
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