The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Seven (Communist Party Tyranny)
The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Five Session Seven (Communist Party Tyranny)
"If one does not mourn the Soviet Union, one does not have a heart. However if one wants to go back to the Soviet Union, one does not have a head."- Russian President Vladimir Putin.
A childhood is supposed to be the happiest and most carefree in a person's life. The parents are supposed to take on the responsibility to provide such. Unfortunately government cannot work that way. A society run by well intentioned, highly productive, immensely talented, and moderately paid bureaucrats will ultimately fail. A paternalistic government always breeds subtle but effective forms of enslavement. In the name of liberation, tyranny is instead caused.
In the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc nations, people were paid according to their productive worth. All must remember the term "Productive Worth". There were no hedgefund managers, derivatives traders, private equity and stock market firms, paralegals, non-profits, public policy "think thanks", non-profits, non-government organizations, attorney-lobbyist firms, and financial/investment institutes. In the genuine socialistic/communistic nations, parasitic and marginalist activities were kept to a minimum. There were also no bankruptcies as "vulture and vampire" activities were not tolerated.
Yet despite these noble ideals, the socialist/communist systems failed because people have to be free to make their own mistakes and to exercise poor judgment. When government becomes Big Brother, even when the intentions are good, the long-term results become bad. A certain amount of socialism is needed to keep tyranny at bay. However as the Communist era in Europe and Central Asia proved, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
In theory socialism/communism works. In the short-term and in emergency situations, socialism works. When it comes to core government functions, socialism works. Outside of these scenarios, it has a track record of failure.
In an ironic twist, one of the biggest predicaments the world has ever faced has not been ending communism. It has instead been replacing it without producing disastrous results. Read the next post to read the conclusion of this series: the aftermath of the fall of communism.
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