Saturday, July 29, 2023

Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment

 Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment-Part One

All nations have jails and prisons. This post outlines the different government modes of imprisonment/incarceration.
Imperial Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is brutal. Many are subject to physical abuse by the prison authorities. Moreover there are no recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Recidivism may be overall low due to the brutal nature of inmate treatment but it is a factor for those who have been totally broken by incarceration and are unable to find proper employment and opportunities after being initially released.
Due to the highly disciplined structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is non-existent. Prisoners are highly monitored and inspected. In this mode, confinement must be accompanied with either physical abuse and/or other forms of depraved treatment.
This mode focuses strictly on punishment and not on restoration and rehabilitation. This mode compels the State to not be concerned in having a released inmate to become a vital and productive member of society.

direct democracy Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is somewhat soft. State-sanctioned abuse of inmates does not exist. There are ample recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Many inmates can get college degrees. Recidivism varies but due to the mild prison conditions, it can be a factor. However due to the receipt of training, many prisoners upon release are able to obtain economic viability and thus move on with their lives.
Due to the loosely regulated structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is rampant. Prisoners are hardly monitored and inspected. In this mode, confinement is sufficient.
This mode focuses less on punishment and much more on restoration and rehabilitation of the inmate so that he/she can again be a vital and productive member of society.

Different Government Modes Of Imprisonment-Part Two
Representative Government Mode- Treatment of prisoners by the wardens is harsh but not brutal. No one is subject to physical abuse by the prison authorities.
There are limited recreational and educational/training opportunities for inmates. Remedial training is emphasized particularly at the end of a prisoner's term and well as job placement to curtail recidivism.
This mode emphasizes the harsh nature of prison condition otherwise what would be the point of prison? In this mode, confinement is not sufficient punishment. While physical abuse and inhumane treatment of any inmate by the prison authorities are not allowed, austerity has to go along with confinement.
Due to the highly disciplined structure of the system of incarceration, violence and drug/alcohol use amongst prisoners is non-existent. Prisoners are highly monitored and inspected.


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