Monday, March 04, 2024

Russia-Ukraine Conflict- The Consequences (Part One and Part Two)

Russia-Ukraine Conflict- The Consequences (Part One)

In early April 2022, six weeks after the Russian intervention, the heads of both Russia and Ukraine had a chance to reach permanent peace without Russia acquiring one extra inch of Ukrainian territory.

All Russia asked of Ukraine were these five conditions.

1. Ukraine must get rid of any and all foreign military presence on its soil. 2. Ukraine must never join NATO and must always be neutral. 3. Ukraine must recognize the independence sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) at least on a de facto basis. This means Ukraine would renounce all attempts to re-acquire the LPR and DPR as its sole purpose by military means. 4. Ukraine must recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation on a de jure basis. Since the Russian takeover of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has not recognized Crimea as part of Russian territory even on a de facto basis. 5. Ukraine must protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens in Donbas who are of Russian ethnicity. Ukraine must allow these citizens to be taught in the language of their choice and they must also allow them to attend religious institutions of their choice. In other words, Russia wanted Ukraine to enforce most of the basic tenants of the Minsk 2 Accords.

United Kingdom's Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Ukrainian President V. Zelensky to not accept this peace deal with Russia. If Ukraine was truly a sovereign and independent nation, Zelensky would not have been influenced by Johnson and the UK. Since the U.K. actively collaborates with the USA Deep State, it certainly would appear that the USA also pressured Zelensky to not accept this totally reasonable peace deal with Russia. This conflict could, would, and should have ended in early April 2022.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict- The Consequences (Part Two)

Russian President V.Putin stated in the Tucker Carlson interview on February 8th of this year that Russia would settle for a permanent ceasefire with Ukraine if Ukraine did the following.

1. Ukraine must recognize the de facto status of the Russian Federation takeover of most of the Donbas, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions as they have already given such recognition to the Russian takeover of Crimea, which took place ten years ago.

2. Ukraine must change its recognition status of Crimea as part of the Russian from de facto to de jure.

3. Ukraine cannot just freeze the conflict with Russia as Russia demands a peace treaty.

4. Ukraine must incorporate in its constitution that it cannot have a foreign military presence on its "soil". Russia insists that the Ukraine military be indigenously operated.

The following demands that V. Putin laid out are totally reasonable. These demands do not call for any type of "de-nazification" of the Ukrainian government. In addition these demands do not prohibit Ukraine from importing military weapons nor do they restrict Ukraine's military in any manner. Furthermore these demands do not at all ban Ukraine from joining the European Union if Ukraine chooses to do so. Finally Russia is not prohibiting any Western nation from giving Ukraine war guarantees if Russia were to invade in the future.

Yet Ukraine has declined this offer that Russia has been offering for over a year and a half. Russia has held back and has only fought defensively since "liberating" those territories in the summer of 2022. Russia chose to act with restraint because the Russian government have fraternal sentiments in their view of the Ukrainian people. Quite a few members of the Russian government have labeled this war as a civil war and not a war between disparate nations. Putin has often expressed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people as he has said that Ukrainians and Russians are the same people just living in two nations.

Because Ukraine has rejected this offer as it is presumed that the Collective West will not allow Ukraine to accept, Russia may have no alternative but to do the following. That following will be detailed in the next post. Since Ukraine due to the insistence of NATO nations demands that Russia abandon all territory it took from Ukraine (including Crimes), Russia will have no choice but to pursue the objectives outlined in the next post.

They have utmost contempt for the "Bolshevik hordes" from the East. The Azov Battalion (militia), the Armed Forces Of Ukraine, the Ukraine's secret police (SBU), and its regular police force in those regions in Ukraine strongly reflect this.They have utmost contempt for the "Bolshevik hordes" from the East. The Azov Battalion (militia), the Armed Forces Of Ukraine, the Ukraine's secret police (SBU), and its regular police force in those regions in Ukraine strongly reflect this.All reactions:

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