Thursday, January 11, 2007

Amen America has been brainwashed into a litigous society-(A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Fellow American, June 2002

Amen to June 3rd's George Will's article on the extent America has become brainwashed into a litigous society.

According to Larry Klaymam, General Counsel of Judicial Watch,the "litigation tax" is 2.5% on every product purchased.The tort system itself costs every individual $1,200.00 annually.This tax adds $500.00 for every new car bought, increases vaccine costs by twenty times,and inflates the price of a pacemaker by $3,000.00. Lawsuits caused 36% of corporations to discontinue products, 15% to lay off workers,and 8% to close plants. 1.75 million people have lost manufacturing jobs in the last two years.

In twenty years, the number of U.S. manufacturers shrank by over half because of excessive, lottery-styled litigation. Is it any wonder why the executive branch cannot respond adequately to biological warfare threats?

The cost of the legal system is growing four times the rate of the economy. Worse still is the fear litigation creates and the damage this causes are much higher.

An executive order needs to be passed to end this ad hoc lawlessness. The original Constitution/Common Law process for remedying conflicts needs to be restored.

1. All cases of injury need to be criminally prosecuted only.If the victim sustains economic loss, then restitution for such amount should be quickly provided. Punishment should already be defined by written law.

2. The civil process' jurisdiction needs to be limited to contract disputes only.Damages sought have to be documented.

This crisis takes precedent to that of the Middle East.The President should put his personal vendetta and lobbyists' agendas aside and instead establish representative government's rule of law.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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