Thursday, January 11, 2007

Support War-Denounce Israel-Investigate 9/11-De-Lawyer America-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, February 2003

For the moment Americans should shift its focus away from other issues and controversies and just support the war effort to oust Saddam Hussein from power. After the conclusion of the 1991 U.S.-Iraq war, Saddam Hussein agreed, albeit to the U.N., that Iraq would completely eliminate all its weapons of mass destruction if the American military,half a million strong, would not invade Iraq. Iraq had already gained the wrath of many nations by its massive destruction of Kuwaiti oilfields. President George H.W. Bush was relentlessly pressured to topple Hussein. He resisted due to this concession and felt the removal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait satisfied all objectives. Iraq stated it would need 120 days for total destruction of its WMDs. By its own declaration, it had 8,500 litres of anthrax and a vast chemical arsenal. Iraq developed biological and chemical weapons as a counterweight to the Israeli nuclear threat and its known aggression. Biological and chemical weapons can be produced in a room or trailer. It can be mass-manufactured by any conventional food, beverage, fertilizer, petrolem-product, and pharmaceutical industry. Since Saddam already experienced the repercussions of developing nuclear power( Israel bombed its reactor in 1981), he felt bio-chemical was more practical.

Now obviously it is totally impossible for 250 U.N. inspectors to comb a country the size of both California and Massachussets. U-2 planes are totally useless as well. If American highly-sophisticated satellite technology failed to detect India's three H-bombs blasts it conducted in 1998, how can America or the U.N. world government status-craving find "smoking guns" that can be hidden in vans? Common sense dictates Iraq has the burden to prove with hard evidence beyond any doubt it has incontrovertibly destroyed all WMD-capabilities. Twelve years after the fact, it has yet to do so.

When Hitler trashed, instead of renegotiating, the Versailles treaty with no objections, it marked the beginning of what was to come. As JFK stated, "Peace at all costs is a prelude to War". While Iraq is not remotely close to pre-WWII Germany in terms of relative strengths, times have changed in that it only takes a small number of operatives to inflict catastrophic damage. This was a monumental concern after the Soviet Union disintegrated. Fortunately due to the rationality,centralized structure, and maturity of these ex-republics and the ethics of their scientists, nothing has happened. However, when it comes to numerous and independently operated Al-Queda cells, this definitely cannot be presumed. Moreover, even though Osama Bin Laden despises Saddam and even called for his execution by the Iraqi people, any autonomous cell can act on its own accord and purchase bio-chem weapons from Iraq without even a trace. With the Iraqi people's extreme wrath at the sadistic Hussein regime and the decimation of its military and industry, all America needs to do is kick down the door and the rotten structure will crumble like ahouse of cards.

Seven paths America must follow if there is a regime change through actual force.

1. The confusion the U.N. has created with involvement has been disastrous. Military action may not have been necessary had not the Clinton and even to a lesser degree the Bush Administrations appeased and catered to these unelected power-hungry bureaucrats. No private American citizen ever voted for them. The U.N. must be reduced as host mediators in the debate amongst sovereign nations. The Iraqi disarmament issue should have been resolved bilaterally or multilaterally.

2. Many critics state this American move is all about oil. If that was the case, the Bush administration and congressional colleagues would find it much easier and much less risky to significantly relax reduce the irrational regulations by revenue-hungry environmental extremists and allow drilling to take place in Alaska,in the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coasts of Florida and California. The people would prefer that to the horrors of war. Unless the Bush Presidency is insane or absolutely braindead, the last thing they would want America to do is to control the oil fields. They have incessantly pitched to Americans, fellow lawmakers, and to the world that any pre-emptive strike would be a defensive measure,act of liberation, and definitely not of conquest. America must stay in Iraq just long enough for the Iraqi people and its representatives establish a viable,democratic,and stable government.

3. America must no longer support Israel and its racist,expansionist government. Have many wondered why other Arab governments have no strong objections to America's inevitable invasion and yet there is a huge backlash in France, Germany, and Belgium? The clear majority of people in Great Britain and other western European nations are opposed to the use of American military force. American taxpayers have given the Zionist State 150 billion in today's dollars and are on the verge of being compelled to give $12 billion more. The common people do not benefit from seeing nearly 33% of its foreign aid go to a country of just 5.5 million. Israel oppresses severely 4.4 million Arabs living within its borders and in occupied terroritories, has nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, has at least 200 missiles to deliver its WMD's, has a vast spy ring in the U.S.,and often resells its indigenously created or donated American military hardware and technology to China. Many Americans of Jewish descent are divided on the Israel issue and America's imminent invasion. Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Richard Gere, and Barbra Streisand are stridently opposed to war. There have been some groups who have even burned the Israeli flag. There are also many pro-zionists in the White House and in the media who not just support current Israeli policies, but hope the ouster of Saddam will lead to "Greater Israel". The media obviously has buried many stories and reports the average American needs to know.

4. All the onerous and repressive laws passed need to be repealed. Why should Americans risk their lives for freedom abroad if their liberties are restricted here?

5. The borders need to be secured and immigration must be restricted to only English-speaking people whose productive skills will immediately improve the standard of living of Americans.

6. America must de-lawyer, de-bureaucratize, deregulate,de-litigate, and de-tax itself so that its number one export is no longer jobs, particularly to its biggest enemy, China. Americans must weans itself off Chinese slave-labor imports and the way to do that is for America to bring back all those factories and industries that have gone overseas, particularly to China. Once the Iraq matter is settled, America must focus its attention to industry and service businesses through free enterprise so that it is prepared for its destiny, a cold or hot war with China.By discipline,ruthlessness,and its sole focus on production, it has become a military and economic superpower. A fascist nation, its ambitions are limitless and will soon threaten the
freedoms of Americans. WE MUST PRIORITIZE.

7. There needs to be a thorough investigation of 9/11 by a non-lawyer and non-partisan commission. People implicated must be criminally prosecuted and sentenced.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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