Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Rise Of The BAR Correlates With Degradation Of America's Freedoms And Prosperity-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, May 2011

Is it purely coincidental that the rise of the influence and prominence of the legal profession, monopolized by the Bar associations,and the degradation of America's prosperity, freedoms,
and equality, is taking place? Please examine the following.

1.60 million Americans receive Social Security, SSI or SSD
2.Over 40 million receive food stamps
3.There are 22 million government employees in the USA
4.There are only 18 million employees in manufacturing
5.As 2007 began, there were just over a million Americans that had been unemployed for half a year or longer. In 2011, that figure is now six million.
6.40 percent of all U.S doctors plan to quit practicing in the next three years.
7.In 1998, the USA had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had
just 10 percent. In 2008, the USA had 15 percent and China’s share reached 20 percent.
8.25 percent of bridges are overburdened or need repair.

Joblessness,despair and non-competitiveness have become endemic because the rule of law no longer exists. Nearly 2 million attorneys and over 80,000 DC lobbyists have seen to that. It is just not just their sheer size that is worrisome. It is their outrageous practices that is becoming more standardless by the day that is troublesome.

Federal Reserve is the primary tool of the new financial oligarchy because of the lack of accountability that is bred by this. The ultimate banking clearing house with zero oversight from the people still holds over $2 trillion on its balance.

No rule of law does not just mean lack of accountability and oversight. It also means wholesale prostitution of public authority.Did the Founding Fathers envision that electioneering would be so costly, with even local races consuming many millions? No wonder America is descending into a plutocracy with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Meg Whitman spent $160 million in her failed efforts to become California’s governor. Michael Bloomberg spent $102 million to win third term as New York mayor.

No rule of law encourages fraud.The total cash losses in the Bernie Madoff scandal is roughly $20 billion.So many claimants are willing to trade for quarter of their losses just so that they can recover something. High administrative legal fees and arbitrary distribution of proceeds are key factors for this willingness.

No rule of law means attorney opportunism as usual.Due to Dodds-Frank legislation, regulators have the authority to award attorneys up to 30% of sanctions.Many law firms cannot expand fast enough as companies have no choice but to hire additional attorneys so they are in compliance with the onerous law and also to negotiate contracts with banks.

Please keep in mind that no value or substance is created by any of this kleptocratic and wealth-devouring endeavors. Rather,the Dodds-Frank law, in the name of fighting corruption in the financial sector,creates a far larger black hole of legal corruption.

What is the best place to start in remedying this plight? When the same group who advocate the law also make,administer, or adjudge the law,the descent into anarchy comes to fruition.Lines become blurred and paralysis and chaos occurs.For anyone to assume that over 99% of the population are too dumb and are not fit to make and/or apply the law is simply not right.

One does not have to agree with everything or even most anything I have written. However, please take the preceding statement into consideration.

Very Truly yours,
Harsha Sankar,
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426.


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