Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Common Denominators Of Tyranny-By Harsha Sankar

The Common Denominators Of Tyranny

September 2011

Dear Citizen,

Judge Eldon Fallon divvied up $315 million to be paid to the plaintiffs' attorneys who worked on the litigation in the Vioxx settlement.

This sum was in addition to the more than $1.2 billion already paid to such attorneys. When that is added to the amount Merck paid to plaintiffs and for its own attorneys, the Vioxx litigation cost it more than $7 billion.

Islam has taken a central focus in many areas since 9/11. Islamic priests should not control all government and institutions in the Middle East.BAR attorneys should not dominate that here in the USA and in other nations.

In the name of enforcing a document, one can violate and pervert it. It is just a matter of picking the pills of poison.However, do citizens have to?

The word "lawyer" is harmless. Does the word "priest" threaten anyone? I think not.

Yet when the force of law and the power of politics is gained, only terror, oppression,and tyranny will triumph. There has to be a clear distinction between religion and politics.

There also has to be a clear distinction between law and politics. Isolated to themselves,the
clergy(legal or parochial) pose no threat to society. When they are mixed up in politics, they become combustible and heavy-handed.

In the name of helping people, elitist groups control people when force of law is involved.In the name of providing help, that specific help is monopolized by them. For example, in the name of providing assistance of counsel, the BAR monopolizes that and it clearly illegal for non-members to provide such. In the name of providing a "voice" for the people, professional lobbyists are shaping the laws. Since it is impossible to maintain a presence in the legislative and executive branches without having a presence in the imperial judiciary, all lobbyists groups are headed by BAR attorneys. The voice of the average citizen is drowned.

In the name of providing faith,priests in theocratic states dominate instead. Anytime anyone claims an exclusive or special domain to knowledge,ideas, and merits in any matter, liberties and rights are undermined. Progress and evolution stop because free flow of debate stop.

Tyranny always has its common denominators. Americans must be reminded of this as they reflect on the ten year anniversary of 9/11.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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