Friday, September 25, 2020

Government Benefits In Different Democratic Republic Modes- By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen,                                   September 2020

Government Benefits In Imperial Democratic Republic Mode- Emphasizes benefits and expanded federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education. De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal control of the issuance and handling of benefits to individuals, such as healthcare and food/shelter subsidies.

Government Benefits In Direct Democratic Republic Mode- De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education. Local bureaucracy, such as school boards, instead control the issuance and handling of benefits to the collective, such as education.
Emphasizes benefits and expanded federal control of the issuance and handling of benefits to individuals, such as healthcare and food/shelter subsidies.

Government Benefits In Representative Democratic Republic Mode- De-emphasizes benefits and drastically reduces federal bureaucratic control of the issuance and handling of benefits to both the collective and individuals. Instead, in terms of education, healthcare,and food/shelter subsidies, it emphasizes limited and on a strict need only basis benefits. The handling and issuance of benefits to individuals and to the collective are controlled by the state bureaucracy, not local and not federal bureaucracy.

                                                              Harsha Sankar
                                                              Covington, Virginia


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