Sunday, May 29, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices Part Thirty-Seven (Session Three)- Role Of The Federal Courts (U.S. Supreme Court)

Representative Democratic Model- Selectable Offices
Part Thirty-Seven (Session Three)- Role Of The Federal Courts (U.S. Supreme Court)

The U.S. Supreme Court should only do the following: 

1. Hear cases in which the lower courts allegedly fail to protect the rights of an individual(s) as recognized in the Bill of Rights.

2. Hear cases in which legislation and policies, either federal, state, or local, allegedly are not be in compliance with the U.S. Constitution.

3. As in the case of the entire court system, the U.S.S.C provides opinions and findings. The ultimate authority in executing that opinion/finding lies with the executive branch, if they choose to do that at all.

4. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, the United States Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. 

5. To all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, to all cases of controversies to which the United States shall be a party,to all cases of controversies between two or more states, to all cases between citizens of different states, to all cases between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and to all cases between citizens and foreign states, citizens or subjects, the United States Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction.

6. The United States Supreme Court should be the only appellate court in the land (America) that has the authority to decline the review of any case as per its discretion.  

Cliff Notes Version: The USSC should do the following:

1. Hear cases that cite violation of the U.S. Constitution.

2. Cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, the USSC shall have original jurisdiction.  

3. As far as appellate jurisdiction, cases dealing with admiralty/maritime, controversies between states, federal government as a party,citizens from different states,citizens of same states claiming lands from other states, and citizens and foreign states shall be tried in the USSC.

4. The USSC should be the only appellate court and really the only court that can decline hearing a case.


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