Monday, May 30, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Forty- Dividing the Role Of Legislator- (Federal)- Session Two


Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Forty- Dividing the Role Of Legislator-(Federal)-Session Two

While committees should be banned as it confers different status to different legislators, it is impossible for all 534 lawmakers in both houses of U.S. Congress to each propose bills. Even if congressional sessions were non-stop, there is no way this could take place. The practical difficulties would be too overwhelming to overcome.

It is obvious that since the American nation and its governance has changed, the original role that was given to the federal legislators by the Founding Fathers should also change. There should be two groups in each federal legislative house. The smaller group should propose the law. The larger group, which is distinctly separate from the other group, should only vote on the proposed law. 

Cliff Notes Version: All lawmakers cannot each propose bills. There simply is not enough time!
There should be two separate groups in the federal legislature. Those who propose the law and those who vote on the law.


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