Monday, May 30, 2022

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices Part Forty- Dividing the Role Of Legislator-(Federal)-Session Three

Representative Democratic Model- Electable Offices

Part Forty- Dividing the Role Of Legislator-(Federal)-Session Three

In parliamentary democracies such as the type of governance that India has, a minority of its legislators(10%-15%) proposes as well as votes on the bills. The remainder of the legislative body only is allowed to vote on the bills. 

Really, this is Imperially Democratic as there are certain federal legislators who are allowed to do both while most federal legislators are only allowed to vote.

The current House Of Representatives and the US Senate should have its members serve as official legislative voters only. The next post will explain how the official legislative proposers should be chosen.
Presently, it is Imperially Democratic for federal legislators who propose the law to also vote on the law. It represents tyranny. 

Cliff Notes Version: It is Imperially Democratic for federal legislators who propose the law to also vote on the law. It is also Imperially Democratic for certain federal legislators to do both.


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