Thursday, June 02, 2022

Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy-(Part Eleven) The Term Of A State Senator

Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy-(Part Eleven) The Term Of A State Senator

Since the upper house of the state legislature is based on the Area-Based Democratic Model, the term its members serve should be longer than the members of the lower house of the state legislature. After all, a member of the upper house (State Senate) is supposed to interact with their constituents less frequently and less directly than a member of the lower house(House Of Delegates/Assembly). 

The term a State Senator serves should not be the same as a House Delegate/Assemblyperson. Four years is too short a term for a state upper house member to achieve the necessary objectives. Too short of a term will compel that state senate member to pander to, rather than to serve, the legitimate needs of their constituents. When any branch of government does too much for the People, either individually or collectively, tyranny always is a byproduct.

A term that is too short also means campaign fundraising and campaigning take up a larger percentage of a member's time and activities. This will give special interests who fund campaigns disproportionate influences over the activities of the elected officeholders.

A term that is too short will limit proper competition. Even if there are proper public platforms for candidates to express their views to their vote bank, a lesser number of properly qualified individuals will seek candidacy to an office in the state upper house if he/she realizes they can lose that office just four years later. A shorter than needed term only strengthens the incumbency, the status quo. 

The term of a member of the State Senate should be extended from four years to five years. A member has to have time to settle in and try to achieve the objectives that he or she campaigned on. 

Cliff Notes Version: Upper house members in the state legislature should serve a longer term than the current four year term. They should serve 5 years since they are more indirectly elected. They work less closely with their constituents.


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