Saturday, December 03, 2022

 The Basic Role Of Government- Part One

 The Basic Role Of Government- Part One

To understand how governance works in a tripartite Republic that centrally focuses on the right of an individual, read the following.

1. The legislative branch makes the law that they are allowed under the Constitution.

2. The judicial branch interprets the law and gives its interpretation to the executive branch.

3. The executive branch (police, court clerks, or head executives of the local, state, and federal government) examines this interpretation and, if they feel it is in compliance with the law, they execute it.

For the last few decades, most people seem to erroneously believe that the executive branch (police, court clerks, or head executives of the local, state, and federal government) are just "rubberstamps" for the courts. They have been misled by BAR attorneys that the judiciary gives rulings that have to be carried out and executed by these people in the executive branch. That simply was never the case according to the U.S. Constitution and subsequent legislation such as the Judiciary Act Of 1789.


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