Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers
Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part One
There has been a lot of discussion of sexual activity between not just between an adult and minor, but also between a teacher and high school student. It is important to also view this in a governance/societal mode.
I have been accused of condoning acts of pedophilia when actually only the reverse is true. I consider these acts to be felony. Because of my views, I only advocated a strong deterrence that is both effective and proportionate. In nearly every nation, the adult who commits pedophilia is subject to some type of penal code. These modes of governance deals with the teenage minors(18 being adult age) involved in such voluntary sexual acts.
It must be noted that most nations do not penalize sexual activities that minors with other minors. Obviously anyone, regardless of age, should be absolved of blame if he/she are coerced to perform sexual activities. In addition any pre-teen is considered to be pubescent and also has to be firmly absolved even if sexual activities were voluntary.
Finally if a teenage adult high school student is involved sexually with an adult school staffer at that same school, that school staffer can still be prosecuted as he/she violated the code of professional responsibility. This is also the case when psychotherapist violates the anonymity/privacy needs of a specific patient or when someone entrusted with privileged information leaks that. First Amendment rights do not apply to them and they too can be prosecuted for such acts.
Read my next post as it depicts the three governance/societal modes.
Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part Two
Imperial Governance Mode- In Ultra-Conservative societies the teenage minor is subject to punishment outlined in their penal code if he/she is found guilty of voluntarily participating in sexual activities with an adult. There are some nations which subject this guilty teen to physical abuse and even mutilation. This treatment applies the same to teenage adult high school students.
Representative Governance Mode- This by far is the best mode because when it comes to minors, particularly teenagers, laws that restrict actually protect. It must be noted that in this mode, a teenager minor is not lawfully prohibited from having sexual activity with an adult if there is a three year age gap or less. (Three years is the difference between drinking age and official adult age).
In this mode, the teenage minor has to be charged with a misdemeanor for willingly serving as an accomplice to an adult in his/her act of pedophilia. That teenage minor must spend a few days to a few weeks in a detention facility for his/her voluntary act, depending on the age of the teen, the number of sexual partners,and the number of encounters with each partner. No teenage minor should be allowed to bribe his way out of detention by paying a fine nor should they be subject to slave labor by doing community service. That guilty teenage minor must serve hard time for willingly helping an adult pedophile to commit a crime without being under any duress. Acts of free will, free of any coercive influences, must carry legal consequences.
The principle this mode is based on is the same that speed limits are based on. Very few do not speed because of safety concerns. They instead do not speed because they know they will be punished by law enforcement. However that fear of punishment has kept hundreds of millions of people safe. If a teen minor or even a teen adult high school student knows he/she can be punished for accommodating a pedophile, he/she will resist and then refuse voluntary participation.
While a teenage adult high school student cannot be punished by law, he/she can still get suspended or even expelled for engaging in voluntary sexual behaviour with an adult school staffer who works in that same school.
Sexual Activities Between Adults And Teenagers-Part Three
People all should want the same goal. They should want something so nonsensical to not ever again happen. If the system punishes just the adult, this problem will just keep recurring. It will perpetuate itself in an unabated manner.
If it is proven with at least a significant preponderance of evidence that a fellow teacher or another adult school staffer knew about these criminal activities, then that adult school staffer needs to be fired.
If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a parent should have known about these illicit criminal activities, that parent(s) has to be charged with criminal negligence. The bar is lower for a parent that it is for another school staffer in terms of blame. The parent is expected to know the basic whereabouts and activities of his/her child as that child's guardian.
If it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that a teenage minor willfully at any time, without any coercive influence and duress, had sexual activity with an adult school staffer, that teenage minor has to be charged with a misdemeanor and must serve hard time ranging from a few days to a few weeks in incarceration.
The attorney profession strongly desires to keep these nonsensical activities ongoing for obvious reasons. That is why half-baked measures are used to treat this issue. Why can't people understand this? What is proposed in these series of posts will virtually eliminate this problem.
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