Commentary On Elections-Part Fifty
Since the state governments should truly pick the federal senators, should not the local government do the same for state senators? Due to the fact that all localities(city or county) should be state senate districts, its government should choose the state senators so that the state senate is not an extension of the state house of assemblyperson/delegates.
The Vice-Mayor fields three candidates each for one seat of the state senate for the Mayor to nominate. The nominated candidate by the mayor has to be confirmed by at least 50% of the members of city council/county board of supervisors. This method should be used to choose each state senator.
The state senate is needed to help make bills into law. However it should have certain distinct,unique, and sole responsibilities. The state senate has the sole power to confirm those of the governor's appointments that require consent,to provide advice and consent to ratify agreements with the federal government or with other state governments, and to try impeachment cases for state officials.
The People via electoral voting choose the state delegates/assemblymen. Having the People choose the state senators erodes checks and balances. It erodes the Separation of Powers as it gives the electorate, although checked by electoral voting, too much authority and influence over the legislative process. America is supposed to be a Republic supported by Representative Democracy. It is not supposed to be a democracy itself.
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