Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session Four)

The Basic Forms Of Tyranny-Part Eight (Power Broker Tyranny-Session Four)

Public Power Broker Tyranny-

4. The speaker of the state legislative lower house should be an non-elected member who has no participation in any of the government branches. This state position is nominated by the localities' (city and county) vice-mayor from the field of candidates. All prospective candidates have to file their application with the state's bureaucratic agency that deals with elections. Out of the five nominees, one candidate is selected by the mayor of each locality. This selected candidate who has the majority of mayoral votes, either in an outright manner or through ranked choice voting (single transferable voting), becomes the Speaker Of The House Of Delegates/Assemblymen.

If no candidate can get the majority of locality (city and county) mayors to choose this position, the selected candidate who was chosen by the least number of locality mayors is discarded and the 2nd place choices of all the mayors who chose that specific candidate are tallied and distributed to the remaining candidates. Once a candidate obtains the majority of mayoral votes from the combination of 1st and 2nd place votes from discarded candidate(s), then that candidate becomes speaker of the state lower legislative house. This ranked choice voting process must continue until a candidate finally reaches that majority figure in order to become state lower house speaker.
The Speaker of the House of Delegates/Assemblymen in each state is second in the line of succession. If the Governor and Vice-Governor are not able to fulfill their designated duties, the state lower house speaker becomes governor. That is why the executive branch of every locality has to have input on who becomes this officeholder. Due to the fact this officeholder may have to become head executive of state government if the current head executives are no longer able to function as such, the local head executives (mayor and vice-mayor) must have a significant role in this selection and choosing.


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