The Golden Calf Has Replaced The Golden Rule In America's Civil Justice System- By Harsha Sankar
Dear Citizen, July 2006
The Fen-Phen $200 million lawsuit damages award generated $ 106 million for lawyers, $73 million for clients, and the rest for non-profit "charity. The Vioxx lawsuits could cost as much as $50 billion. That is ten times the annual earnings of its manufacturer Merck.
First of all,Vioxx does not cause arrhythmia as the $250 million Texas judgment claimed.
Secondly, even if both Fen-Phen and Vioxx were solely responsible for severe health problems and even deaths, the fault could be with the indiscriminate prescription or improper use by the doctor or patient respectively.
Thirdly, both drugs crossed all hurdles by the Food and Drug Administration and was deemed legally safe.
Finally, adverse things do happen in life and no one is at fault.
USA today reported that three major telecommunication companies would be sued for tens of billions for providing millions of phone call records to the National Security Agency. Anyone with Common Sense and Decency will realize the only action needed is to try and to convict all individuals responsible for these invasive activities.
In Farmingham, Massachusetts, a woman filed a discrimination complaint against a County Club because she alleged a man bypassed her in being chosen as a full member. Over a year later, she withdrew that complaint to sue for money (Why Not? ) Murray received a settlement of
$262,000.00 in which her lawyer(s) received $162,000.00 (so much for honest work per hour at an honest rate).
Again in Farmingham, its trial court issued $1.8 million in taxpayer money to 51 litigants since 2002. Most of these settlements were for undisclosed amounts and the recipients signed confidentiality agreements to get their hush money (secrecy suits them too). The trial court personnel were never punished.
Obviously this kleptomania is not confined to the tort system.I often wondered though as to why grassroots Americans have responded anemically to date.
In S.W. Virginia, it is heavily rumored a police officer received $40,000.00 because her boss harassed her.
In S.W. Virginia, it is rumored the family of a murder-suicide victim sued the municipality, the business, and even the phone booth owner in which the crime took place.
In S.W. Virginia, guests at a motel sued for $100,000.00 because they sustained bed bug bites. These things happen even in 5-star resorts.Not too long ago, the most guests could and did ask for in the same or similar situations was a refund.
In a service business in which I placed my pocket knives for retail display, the clerk threatened to sue me if someone used the product to harm her. While I removed these products because I did not want anyone to feel unsafe, I could not help but question myself as to how badly infected people's mentality have become.Criminal prosecution of the actual assailant and their restitution for documented loss is no longer enough.
In another state,I talked to someone who claimed defamation by a media outlet. He was represented by an attorney whom he had paid $50.00 a month for some time for situations like this. After all, everyone is going to be "injured" at some point in their life.
He just wanted to position himself favorably to sue for massive amounts of money.Because he is aware the chief operators did not make the mistake and he is acquainted with one of them, he told me he would only seek fifty to sixty thousand dollars.
I told him to just contact the appropriate staff and ask for a retraction. He replied "No! Money!" When I told him this was not right, his response was " Let the lawyers work it out".
There you go. My question had finally been answered. Money is the all-important factor. Reason, common sense, and public morality are just footnotes. Too many are doing the Jerry Maguire "Show me the Money!" Vast majority of these legal actions never make the press. In fact, many are settled before lawsuit is instituted because of high legal costs and the heavy-handed predictability.
When the entire justice system revolves around money, rank-and-file America will be corrupted and the evils of dictatorship rules. People feel taking advantage of the system is just being smart and strong. They feel those who resist temptations to rise up the ladder like this are timid, foolish, radical, or irregular. Consequently, the golden rule gives away to the golden calf and many so-called Christians no longer live at the foot of the cross. They walk in the footsteps of darkness instead as this disease spread worldwide.
Blind obedience, especially if you are the beneficiary, to any system of law and government is moral treason. No one or no group should claim that as its defining identity.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar,
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
The Fen-Phen $200 million lawsuit damages award generated $ 106 million for lawyers, $73 million for clients, and the rest for non-profit "charity. The Vioxx lawsuits could cost as much as $50 billion. That is ten times the annual earnings of its manufacturer Merck.
First of all,Vioxx does not cause arrhythmia as the $250 million Texas judgment claimed.
Secondly, even if both Fen-Phen and Vioxx were solely responsible for severe health problems and even deaths, the fault could be with the indiscriminate prescription or improper use by the doctor or patient respectively.
Thirdly, both drugs crossed all hurdles by the Food and Drug Administration and was deemed legally safe.
Finally, adverse things do happen in life and no one is at fault.
USA today reported that three major telecommunication companies would be sued for tens of billions for providing millions of phone call records to the National Security Agency. Anyone with Common Sense and Decency will realize the only action needed is to try and to convict all individuals responsible for these invasive activities.
In Farmingham, Massachusetts, a woman filed a discrimination complaint against a County Club because she alleged a man bypassed her in being chosen as a full member. Over a year later, she withdrew that complaint to sue for money (Why Not? ) Murray received a settlement of
$262,000.00 in which her lawyer(s) received $162,000.00 (so much for honest work per hour at an honest rate).
Again in Farmingham, its trial court issued $1.8 million in taxpayer money to 51 litigants since 2002. Most of these settlements were for undisclosed amounts and the recipients signed confidentiality agreements to get their hush money (secrecy suits them too). The trial court personnel were never punished.
Obviously this kleptomania is not confined to the tort system.I often wondered though as to why grassroots Americans have responded anemically to date.
In S.W. Virginia, it is heavily rumored a police officer received $40,000.00 because her boss harassed her.
In S.W. Virginia, it is rumored the family of a murder-suicide victim sued the municipality, the business, and even the phone booth owner in which the crime took place.
In S.W. Virginia, guests at a motel sued for $100,000.00 because they sustained bed bug bites. These things happen even in 5-star resorts.Not too long ago, the most guests could and did ask for in the same or similar situations was a refund.
In a service business in which I placed my pocket knives for retail display, the clerk threatened to sue me if someone used the product to harm her. While I removed these products because I did not want anyone to feel unsafe, I could not help but question myself as to how badly infected people's mentality have become.Criminal prosecution of the actual assailant and their restitution for documented loss is no longer enough.
In another state,I talked to someone who claimed defamation by a media outlet. He was represented by an attorney whom he had paid $50.00 a month for some time for situations like this. After all, everyone is going to be "injured" at some point in their life.
He just wanted to position himself favorably to sue for massive amounts of money.Because he is aware the chief operators did not make the mistake and he is acquainted with one of them, he told me he would only seek fifty to sixty thousand dollars.
I told him to just contact the appropriate staff and ask for a retraction. He replied "No! Money!" When I told him this was not right, his response was " Let the lawyers work it out".
There you go. My question had finally been answered. Money is the all-important factor. Reason, common sense, and public morality are just footnotes. Too many are doing the Jerry Maguire "Show me the Money!" Vast majority of these legal actions never make the press. In fact, many are settled before lawsuit is instituted because of high legal costs and the heavy-handed predictability.
When the entire justice system revolves around money, rank-and-file America will be corrupted and the evils of dictatorship rules. People feel taking advantage of the system is just being smart and strong. They feel those who resist temptations to rise up the ladder like this are timid, foolish, radical, or irregular. Consequently, the golden rule gives away to the golden calf and many so-called Christians no longer live at the foot of the cross. They walk in the footsteps of darkness instead as this disease spread worldwide.
Blind obedience, especially if you are the beneficiary, to any system of law and government is moral treason. No one or no group should claim that as its defining identity.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar,
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
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