Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Jury Executed Jesus! Was That Right?! Do Not Vote For Lawyers!!-(A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, February 2004

No one should support the hypocritical bid of lawyers seeking office.

In a nation with supposedly limited government restricted by firm rule of written law, giving attorneys power to sue for unlimited amounts over anything is a grotesque contradiction.
For any civilization to survive, there must be discipline and obedience to representative laws with uniform application. If people cannot predict outcomes based on presentation of expected facts, they will not know the consequences of law violations. This promotes disrespect and manipulation of the ultimate law, the Constitution.

If the judiciary is not restricted ,anarcho-terrorism prevails. America should be a nation of laws and not of men. Since law is force, massive profiteering is intolerable. Discretion is dictatorship and enrichment is unconscionable. Yet many trial lawyers has made millions on junk science cases by catering to juries' emotions.

Millenniums ago, an individual was executed because attorneys (clerics) manipulated a jury (mob) to take the law into their own hands. This man's name-Jesus.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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