Thursday, January 11, 2007

Individual Responsibilities-Individual Rights-Attorney totalitarianism subverts this

Dear Citizen, October 2002

It is time personal responsibility is emphasized with judicial power being severely restricted and limited to the support and application of the written law.Damages and punishment should already be prescribed by written law and not decided by the passions and whims of the court on an instantaneous basis.

In West Palm Beach,California,the handgun used to kill popular Lake Worth Middle School teacher Barry Grunow goes on trial today,portrayed as a dangerous and defective product that has led a life of crime. Grunow's widow claims in a civil suit against the gun's distributor, Valor Corp. of Sunrise, her husband's death might have been averted if the gun had been less dangerous and had been secured with a gun lock.

This is nonsense. From cigarette lawsuits to slavery reparations, lawyer totalitarianism has undermined the necessary ingredients that kept this country free. People have lost their vigilance and have quit asking questions which is necessary to obtain the basic and common sense truth. It is apparent too many are depending on too few to preserve our basic liberties. Our pervasive government provides too many incentives for people to sellout for creature comforts. Unfortunately, we are only too willing to accept. Regrettably, the land of the free and brave is now home of the arrogant parasite. This is not compatible in a first-world, modern, progressive, and free society. America has been reduced to third world status, with the lawyers and bureaucrats acting as dons and capos.

James Madison's Constitution warned Americans against same hands and same faction government. The original 13th Amendment affirmed the same. This proposed lawyers should not hold non-judicial offices in fear it would create a ruling class which would eventually conspire to subjugate instead of to serve and protect the People. This is purely elementary. How can anyone be a player or coach and a referee without a conflict of interest not existing?

The highly unConstitutional private bar associations' attorneys neither work for individual rights or social justice. They are imperialists of the worst kind. While they cost every man, woman, and child $5,000.00 annually, it is the evil essence rather than the negative economic impact which is most appalling. The system of absolute control of the fascists and communists could not be reformed or mended. Neither can lawyerism, which represents the corrupt nature of total power and symbolizes the pagan of kingship. All the People can do is put a stake in its heart,scatter the ashes, and hope this immoral manifestations never rises again.

Yet as the real poverty rate is at least 20%, a quarter of the children go hungry, and despair sets in, Americans are strong and resolute. Despite the aristocrats' sycophants in Hollywood and in the media, we will refuse to be seduced because we have the will to sacrifice for self-determination. We do not have the insatiable appetite for entertainment. American principles will eventually save America from the path the Romans took. Victory from bondage will belong to those who seize it for their nation.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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