Sunday, August 12, 2007

The VT Murder-Pretext For Orwellian Mental Health Screening Nightmare-( A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, June 2007

Cho’s rampage has unfortunately established a pretext for Orwellian mental health screening.

Nazi/Soviet style psychiatry has arrived as the Hippocratic Oath evaporates. An individual’s emotional status,including Cho’s,is supposed to be strictly off–limits to everyone else except possibly a voluntarily chosen therapist. If Cho had been expelled as per rules for setting his dorm on fire, he would have been prevented from killing. People are supposed to be judged for proven specific acts only. Yet federal and state databases containing private info (slanderous or not) will be enlarged.

As the psychotherapist establishment has partnered with attorneys to expand their territory, courts are now ordering forced counseling, drugging, hospitalization and ECT treatments. Labeling tactics are signs of oppressive governance.

Virginia Tech authorities badly failed in warning people. They also have involvement with CIA, Pentagon’s DARPA, and a laboratory under Butt Mountain. This needs to be discussed as people’s rights disappear.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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