Americans Must Disinfect Themselves Of The Stench Of The Imperial Class-The Unedited Version
Dear Citizen, July 2008
The announced $11 million Virginia Tech "settlement" is just a farcical crafting by the bar association to amass vast amount of wealth at the expense of students, donors, and taxpayers.If one does the math, millions were earmarked as attorney fees. However, the precise figure will conveniently not be disclosed even though there is a public need to know. Even if this "settlement" has merit, then the
legislature should decide this issue and not the judiciary. In reality, private charity could "pick up the tab", if needed, of all financial costs of survivors.
In a sexual harassment case against a former sheriff in Roanoke County, attorney Terry Grimes' hourly rate of $300.00 was deemed reasonable by fellow attorney-judge. Grimes is now supposed to bill the state(Virginia taxpayers) for one thousand hours over a matter that cannot be proven it happened.Even if it did happen, it is not even alleged that it is sufficiently serious to warrant misdemeanor sexual assault charges.In addition, since the defendant is no longer sheriff,he cannot be dismissed for unprofessional conduct. His discharge would have been more than sufficient if he indeed committed gross sexual harassment. Grimes' client has already hit the jackpot by receiving $150,000.00. Grimes want to double that for himself.
An attorney's responsibility is to objectively and truthfully certify,after
inspection, that all transactions are in compliance with all governing laws and regulations.That means certifying that the attorney is in no degree involved in a conflict of interest.
The attorney has to have a sufficient arms-length relationship with the client to make unbiased representations on the client's behalf, which means renouncing
decision-making authority regarding transactions. In the case of Virginia College Of
Osteopathic Medicine, it is funded by an estate of an deceased industrialist. The estate's attorney allocates the estate's funds for this project he is personally involved with and with an university in which he is already affiliated. This attorney gets a close family member to be in charge of the set-up of the school. After the opening of VCOM, he puts himself and his close family member on its board of directors and anoints himself chairman. He already is on the Board of Visitors of Virginia Tech, which provides significant funding for the Osteopathic School. This attorney,instead of being condemned for participating in obvious corrupt and unethical conflicts of interest by demonstrating personal stakes, is regarded as founder. Tax judges are supposed to disallow these practices.
This letter may be just a voice crying out in a remote wilderness.However,if Americans wish to live in freedom,America must disinfect itself of this guile menace.
As it is increasingly harder for too many living from paycheck to paycheck with food,
fuel, and healthcare costs soaring, this hoarding by legal system operatives must end. Such "settlements" mark the beginning of a new era: the rise of the imperial class.The only way to neuter this is to extend the ban of holding public office, which currently applies to military and civil servants, to court officers as well.
Different viewpoints and even criticisms are always welcome.It must be remembered that a nation of sheep begets a government and legal system of wolves.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426
The announced $11 million Virginia Tech "settlement" is just a farcical crafting by the bar association to amass vast amount of wealth at the expense of students, donors, and taxpayers.If one does the math, millions were earmarked as attorney fees. However, the precise figure will conveniently not be disclosed even though there is a public need to know. Even if this "settlement" has merit, then the
legislature should decide this issue and not the judiciary. In reality, private charity could "pick up the tab", if needed, of all financial costs of survivors.
In a sexual harassment case against a former sheriff in Roanoke County, attorney Terry Grimes' hourly rate of $300.00 was deemed reasonable by fellow attorney-judge. Grimes is now supposed to bill the state(Virginia taxpayers) for one thousand hours over a matter that cannot be proven it happened.Even if it did happen, it is not even alleged that it is sufficiently serious to warrant misdemeanor sexual assault charges.In addition, since the defendant is no longer sheriff,he cannot be dismissed for unprofessional conduct. His discharge would have been more than sufficient if he indeed committed gross sexual harassment. Grimes' client has already hit the jackpot by receiving $150,000.00. Grimes want to double that for himself.
An attorney's responsibility is to objectively and truthfully certify,after
inspection, that all transactions are in compliance with all governing laws and regulations.That means certifying that the attorney is in no degree involved in a conflict of interest.
The attorney has to have a sufficient arms-length relationship with the client to make unbiased representations on the client's behalf, which means renouncing
decision-making authority regarding transactions. In the case of Virginia College Of
Osteopathic Medicine, it is funded by an estate of an deceased industrialist. The estate's attorney allocates the estate's funds for this project he is personally involved with and with an university in which he is already affiliated. This attorney gets a close family member to be in charge of the set-up of the school. After the opening of VCOM, he puts himself and his close family member on its board of directors and anoints himself chairman. He already is on the Board of Visitors of Virginia Tech, which provides significant funding for the Osteopathic School. This attorney,instead of being condemned for participating in obvious corrupt and unethical conflicts of interest by demonstrating personal stakes, is regarded as founder. Tax judges are supposed to disallow these practices.
This letter may be just a voice crying out in a remote wilderness.However,if Americans wish to live in freedom,America must disinfect itself of this guile menace.
As it is increasingly harder for too many living from paycheck to paycheck with food,
fuel, and healthcare costs soaring, this hoarding by legal system operatives must end. Such "settlements" mark the beginning of a new era: the rise of the imperial class.The only way to neuter this is to extend the ban of holding public office, which currently applies to military and civil servants, to court officers as well.
Different viewpoints and even criticisms are always welcome.It must be remembered that a nation of sheep begets a government and legal system of wolves.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426
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