Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Media's Rubberstamp Of Ruling Elitism Must Cease (A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, January 2008

The Roanoke Times (Virginia) again carries water for ruling aristocracy in December 30th, 2007 article. Yet they refuse to publish a dissenting viewpoint.

The article expressed a higher percentage of attorneys in the legislative branch would result in better lawmaking. That is the same arguments the socialist, fascist, theological, and military elite used in their justification of government domination.

For anyone to suggest that over 99 percent of people who are not"trained lawyers" are too dumb to pass laws that serve and protect is an affront to self–governance and democratic self-rule. This "mentality" of exclusion only generates high costs, abuse, selective enforcement,
misrepresentations, delusions of grandeur, and the sheer nonsense that pervades the out-of-touch legal system. To assume laws would be better crafted by a special elite, arrogating themselves the keys to "abstract magical" knowledge and imaginary skills, because they know what is best for the people only means they will be masters in our own home. Laws instead will be deliberately interpretive and incomprehensible. This disenfranchises the common man.

People would do most things well until attorney-legislators passed laws making normal activities difficult. Yet the media portrays them as the Strong, Learned& Able even though their work is predatory & manipulative.

Whatever happened to critical analysis and investigative journalism by a free and independent media? As independent media outlets are sent to extinction, Americans need to realize that the success achieved by these parasitic forces only results in the oppression and exploitation of others.

In a free society, the law is no man's monopoly. It is to be accessed and to be understood by all.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426


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