Sunday, August 12, 2007

Eye-Opening Books On The Scandalous Story of Dominant Lawyer Culture

Dear Citizen, June 2007

Now that summer is here, there are a few good books worthy of reading. One is The Case Against Lawyers by Catherine Crier and another book is Underworld which explains how trial attorneys, often in secret, shake down and censor individuals and businesses to advance their agenda of enrichment, influence, and public relations.

The media is banned from covering pending litigation. With so many multi-million lawsuits transpiring, and yet the public does not know what is happening. U.S.A. ranks anywhere from 17th to 44th in press freedoms. Much of this decline is due to Court censorship in the name of "securing a fair trial". If people subscribe to this abridgement, then they do not understand the responsibilities of freedom.

However, the most compelling book is Lawyers Destroying America, A Parasitical Culture. Written by Sammy Sorrells, it tells the scandalous story about the evolution of the dominant lawyer culture and Constitutional nightmare. It tells how the lawyers became an oppressive ruling class in America, controlling all three government branches. It reads about how all systems are driven by money, caused by the largest and most vicious criminal culture on earth. Power and the cult of personalities have completely overriden the core principles of basic law. The book talks about how attorneys conspire, without any shred of evidence,to go after that deep pocket party,milking both defendant and plaintiff alike on many occasions.

Organized and supremacist bar associations harboring social parasites is the apex of terror and not Osama Bin Laden, Al-Queda, and other"boogey-men". From 1970 to 1996, all mandates increased 25 times. What special-interest group inspires this "shackling" and selective enforcement? How can people consider themselves to be free if they have to constantly consult "Attorney law" before taking any decision?

As healthcare and education are in deplorable conditions, Sorrells' book advocates going back to the drawing board. Lawyers were absolutely forbidden in the colonies for many years.Disputes were settled by the church. In the Bill of Rights, an individual is entitled to counsel(which means anyone) only if they a defendant in a criminal case. This means if civil cases, supposedly dealing with contractual issues over money only, counsel can be barred. The framers of the Constitution knew of the potential of abuse if organized counsel took control of the civil process.

While no one suggests lawyers be banned, the term "attorney at law" must be reviewed for its lack of constitutionality. Attorney comes from the root "attorn" which means to apportion or turn over. If attorneys apportions (decides and implements) the law as well as turn over the law to the Courts for its disposal, that is clearly a violation of the Constitution because the legislatures are the only law-making government branch. Otherwise America would not have a representative, republic form of government. According to Roman civil law book Corpus Juris Secondum, attorneys represents wards of the court only. If an individual is represented by an attorney, rights are gone and he/she is at the Court's mercy.

What also needs review is the court system is indeed private that just operates in a public arena. How many times citizens have been threatened with contempt for citing the Constitution? In fact, attorneys have cited many times the U.S. Constitution does not apply in the judiciary. Bar Association trade schools aka law schools do not teach the Constitution. They teach judicial supremacy as court decisions going back to 1066 A.D. are taught. Bar associations' and its attorneys are not about law but rather pure raw power.

Sorrells' books gives horror stories, facts and statistics that will infuriate the reader.This book concludes Americans are being held in bondage and tyranny in a denial of justice.

Duke lacrosse players spent 3 million dollars in their legal defense. When will this "rape" stop?

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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