Sunday, August 12, 2007

Government Mental Health Recording By Plutocratic Means(a Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, July 2007

The Virginia Tech President receives a package of $650,000.00 annually from a primarily taxpayer funded university. Tech will spend $415,000.00 to repair Cho's damage. Governor Kaine sanctioned $150,000.00 to a private group to study Cho's rampage.

America apparently has evolved into a plutocracy. The value of other people's money is insignificant.

Money mindedness is behind the Orwellian nightmare of government mental health recording. Psychiatrists earn more money from pharmaceuticals than other speciality doctors .Psychiatrists who received the most from anti-psychotic manufacturers prescribed these risky and potent drugs often. Prescriptions for anti-psychotics increased nearly six fold in nine years.An individual's emotional well-being is supposed to be totally private.

If one confers with a professional, anonymity and bilateral privacy are to be totally respected.

No tests exist to verify mental illness because of lack of scientific proof. While medication can temporarily treat symptoms of emotional issues, there are no artificial, synthetic, and chemical solutions. Anyone, particularly the vulnerable, can be exposed to psychiatric abuse, leading to defamation and trauma.

In communist countries, "Mental Health" portfolios were used for incarceration,coercion, and labeling. Cho's senseless barbarisms should not advance totalitarianism.

Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington, Virginia 24426


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