How Americans Lost Their Rights (A Harsha Sankar Article)
Dear Citizen, May 1999
Millions of Americans have wondered:
- Why judges seem to have unlimited authority without accountability?
- Why the regulatory agencies have encroached on people’s lives, thereby persecuting harmless non-fraudulent people and simultaneously accomplishing little?
- Why the democratic process has been destroyed by special interest influence (money and lawyers)?
- Why American sovereignty is being surrendered to U.N., NATO, GATT, WTO,World Bank, and other independent international bureaucracies?
- Why this nation’s charter, the Constitution of the United States, has no more application?
- Why every year two million more new federal regulations and 150,000 new federal laws are created when this nation is already overburdened by innumerable laws which are vague and often contradictory?
- Why legal procedures (rules of court), in addition to laws and regulations, are seemingly written in indecipherable code?
Encapsulated in this letter may be the reasons why. The Bill of Rights listed the restrictions that prevented any entity from placing a lien on the unalienable Rights born to all white Americans. This was in stark contrast with England and France because in those countries the monarchy was sovereign.
The 14th Amendment, after it was illegally ratified in 1868 through coercion, declared all Americans are subjects to the federal government and they were the beneficiaries of this Amendment created charitable trust. However, they also became responsible for the debt.
The 14th Amendment had nothing to do with enfranchising the freed slaves. In its guise, it started the enslavement of the entire American people to government. Unalienable rights come from the Creator. Civil Rights were created by the Feds. Any entity that gives a right can take it away.
The Constitution of the United States clearly states in Article 1, Section 10 that it cannot supersede the Obligation of Contracts.The 14th Amendment was a contract between the federal government and the Americans that, in exchange for forfeiting their unalienable rights, the people would be the recipient of government monetary entitlements (enticements) and of limited liability.
Now that the Law was on hiatus, the notorious Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. How many Americans have wondered why Congress has no authority over the Federal Reserve Bank despite the Constitution of the United States clearly giving it sole authority to coin money and thus regulate? Although the President is ultimately responsible for the Department of Treasury, he has no control over the FRB. The Federal Reserve is not a government institution but instead is a privately controlled branch of an international banking conglomerate which monopolizes the printing of U.S. currency. Why else does the dollar bill read “Federal Reserve Note” instead of “United States Treasury Note?” The debt is owed to an international banking cartel that is pushing for one-world government. No wonder on the $1 bill it is stated in Latin “New World Order.” No government can stay representative to its people if it takes part in this scheme.
In the 1930’s, the Gold Standard was suspended and so was the law since it meant no more sovereigns among the people. Prior to this, gold owners were sovereign. President Franklin Roosevelt then issued Executive Order Trading with the Enemy Act. The enemy, unfortunately, were the American people. Since they were outside the Law, they were adversarial to the Law.
On June 5th, 1933, HJR 192 (48 stat. 113), Americans were then unknowingly moved to public policy, the charitable trust as loosely defined by the 14th Amendment. In 1938 the Supreme Court, in Erie Railroad vs. Thomkins, ruled laws would no longer be “de jure” set in stone. They would now be “de facto,” mutable by will, and open to very loose interpretation by the judiciary under the ‘color’ of law. This U.S. Supreme Court decision gave judges unprecedented and near absolute power in the name of justice. People were now confirmed as being chattel in as much as soldiers are to the military. Since people were now bankrupt, they had no rights. When a “person” goes to court, his or her rights are not being adjudicated. Only his/her debt with the 14th Amendment contract is being decided. The yellow/gold fringe flag determines jurisdiction to be admiralty/maritime. The private membership Bar will delicense any lawyer if this is disclosed.
In 1939, the Buck Act was passed. This made all individual states political subdivisions of the federal government when newly bankrupt states needed money. The states lost all autonomy.
In case anyone feels he or she has ownership rights, consider the following. Why are people compelled to continue to pay real estate and car taxes? What eventually happens if person does not pay these taxes? The answers are pretty clear. The title for a person’s car is in the state capitol and the deed to any real estate is possessed by the state courthouse. Birth certificates are with the U.S. Department of Commerce and with the Department of Vital Statistics. The person’s guardians are only given a birth certificate copy.
If all this does not make sense, consider that U.S. dollars since 1933 are only a contractual IOU the taxpayer-funded Treasury Department has with the Federal Reserve. A debt can only be passed on with an IOU. It cannot be relieved.
There are tangible solutions. According to Constitutional Law that has been upheld many times, if an individual owes nothing to the State, the State cannot interfere with that individual unless injury is inflicted. The most effective solution of most immediate concern is the effective removal of all attorneys from office. Only then can the preceding issues be adequately addressed. Without the end of same-hands governance, the preceding and all other issues become moot.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
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