Sunday, October 16, 2011

Separation Of Powers Needed Against Noiseless Thieves-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, December 1999

Originally, our Founding Fathers envisioned a “Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People” that included checks and balances on government powers.

The Separation of Powers doctrine basically states that there shall be a separation between the three branches of government, i.e. executive, legislative and judiciary. Neither branch could exercise the power of the other. The Federalist Papers (86-107) state the same sentiments.

The Sixth Amendment was clear in that it expressed that people were entitled to assistance of counsel. It contradicts the notions that only lawyers are qualified to represent people and that lawyers must be substituted in place of a citizen’s right to redress grievances. It the police were only allowed to possess guns, a police state would exist. In America, we have a lawyer oligarchy.

Today the judiciary branch usurps the power of all three branches by dominating every faction of the federal and state governments. The judiciary controls all branches through the various Bar Associations, Lawyer-legislators, lawyer-governors, and lawyers that write the laws also interpret the laws often to our detriment.

In the words of President Thomas Jefferson:

“The germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the judiciary, an irresponsible body working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall render powerless the checks of one branch over the other and will become a venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated. “ Thomas Jefferson, 1821.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar

908 Valley Ridge Road

Covington,Virginia 24426


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