Sunday, October 16, 2011

American Law and Justice-"What Traffic Can Bear"-By Harsha Sankar

Dear Citizen, December 1999

There have always been groups who twist the truth to serve their own purpose. These groups are not themselves productive, but they establish the rules and laws that permit them to control the groups that are productive. In this manner they achieve power and wealth. With this they buy politicians, bureaucrats, and media to further their agenda and/or to look the other way.

For men to live in peace with one another, they establish laws and voluntarily relinquish certain innate freedoms in order to make these laws work. When laws are not enforced, new laws multiply geometrically without the required result. Most new laws pass more power and wealth to those who make and enforce them. An incredible amount of lawyers have,by these laws, assured themselves of lifetime work.

In order to dissolve a marriage,the cost can be astronomical to those with a few holdings.The price seems to depend on “what the traffic can bear.” Far from helping to make an emotionally devastating event easier, the system compounds, complicates, and prolongs the proceedings so that distrust and even hate prevail where love once lived. Many people who have been involved in a dispute and turned to the legal system for help have found themselves in an endless morass of legal maneuvering that ends when the money is gone.

Delayed justice, postponed trials, minimal sentences, early parole and even increasing crime feed a system where a good policeman sees his dangerous work rewarded with release on a minuscule technicality or worse, a judge’s whim.

Honorable professions are being severely limited in their ability to provide reasonable services at reasonable prices. There is little these professions can do but comply with the huge paper work load imposed by the imperious bureaucracy.

The litany of abuses goes on and involves every segment of American life. While the concept of the “law” is correct, it is cleverly twisted to achieve the ambition of one select profession. Democracy and freedom are sweeping the nations of the world. Yet here in the first democracy, we find ourselves progressively enslaved by a profession composed of less than one-half of one percent of our people.

We first need criminal justice to make our lives safe. We do not need legal maneuvering that prolongs and weakens the process and saps the energy of the nation.

We need civil justice which will permit people to resolve their financial conflicts quickly, efficiently and in strict accordance to law. These conflicts should be based on economic loss. Big business, Big Government, and Big Media have forged an unholy alliance which has made small business the American dinosaur. One major reason why multi-national corporations have done well on Wall Street is because their competitors (family and individually owned businesses) have been squeezed ruthlessly. The only reason why high-tech has produced so many successful entrepreneurs is until recently they have been virtually untouched by high taxation,overregulations, and abusive litigation. However, this is about to change now that these parasitic forces have found new “blood” to feed on.

Our “legal-criminal-justice-system” is a failure! Everywhere there is increasing crime, overcrowded prisons, overtaxed courts, early parole, and endless litigation. Work ethics, personal responsibility, and free enterprise are being destroyed. We are being held hostage by a profession that fails our citizenry but controls our government. How can we expect an efficient and effective government when it is controlled by legislators trained in controversy and not trained in productivity and management?

The following steps should be taken.

1. Prohibit PAC, corporate, and union contributions to campaigns and political parties. Limit individual contributions to $2,000 to a campaign and $1,000 per year to a political party. Full disclosure must be provided.

2. Thoroughly de-license the legal profession.

3. All advocates in the judiciary must be phased out from the legislature,executive, and judgeships.
4. De-lawyer society through the buyout scheme and retrain them to be productive.

5. Repeal all laws, executive orders, court decisions, and Constitutional provisions that give government and courts admiralty jurisdiction (gold-fringe flag).

6. Re-confirmation of all judges by legislature for “good, competent behavior.”

7. Congress and state legislatures should be allowed to overturn any court decision with a 60 percent majority and executive consent.

We all have friends or family who are lawyers and whom we like personally. That does not mean they should run our government and our lives. We can change this chaos by not voting for lawyers and by voting for other worthy candidates.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar

908 Valley Ridge Road

Covington,Virginia 24426


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