Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sociopathic Shysterism Has Claimed Engineering Disclipines As Its Casualties-(A Harsha Sankar Article)

Dear Citizen, November 2010

As the attorney/lobbyist revolution continues unabated,
perpetuating“sickness”of nearly all sectors at an
escalating rate and reducing Americans to dependency,
one such casualty are careers in engineering.

As America’s best college students flock to the fields
of predatory/parasitic/marginaliststudy and as too many
other students,particularly women, herd towards nursing,
engineering disciplines are not attracting interest.
Despite substantial starting salaries(new graduates
earned on average $53,170),the annual growth rate is
–2.2 percent. Even with the internet revolutionizing
lifestyles, computer science accounts for just 3.8
percent of bachelor’s degrees conferred and their
annual growth rate is –0.6 percent.

While China and India graduate more than half a million
engineers and scientists annually, the total number of
graduates in America is only 60,000.

The preceding is one big reason why

1) America has not built one refinery since 1976

2) America has not built one nuclear plant since 2000

3) From 2000-2005, not a single manufacturing payroll
classification created a single new job.

4) USA has lost approximately 42,400 factories and 32
percent of manufacturing jobs since 2000. In 1959,
manufacturing represented 28 percent of economic output.
In 2008, it represented 11.5 percent.

5) Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer
industry is lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.

6) America's trade deficit with China increased 300 percent
in last ten years,which could cause eventually the loss of a
million jobs this year alone.Half a trillion yearly leave America
due to trade deficit.

7) Intel CEO Paul Otellini stated it costs $1 billion more per
factory for Intel to build, equip, and operate a semiconductor
manufacturing facility in the United States.

8) 75% of all corporate profits increase in third quarter 2010
went to financial institutions that workers bailed out with tax
dollars rather than manufacturing and other productive sectors.

As productive people,small businesses, and small investors are
in dire straights,real estate and foreclosure "law" has become
a very lucrative field for the unconstitutional BAR. So many Americans
have been forced to take on a second mortgage just to pay their
attorney. Either the ransom money is paid or homes will be lost.

Solely blaming attorneys and the bureaucracy is a cop-out. However,
it is the systems that their rule,dictates,and fiat has set up
that is to blame.The healthcare system, the financial markets
system, and the education system are all predicated on the
legal system. They all deserve an F for failing the American people.

Americans lost their prosperity when they lost their freedoms.
Americans lost their freedoms when they allowed Sociopathic
Shysterism to overrun their nation. There is no mention of
attorney or even lawyer in the Declaration of Independence
or the US or state constitutions. Yet Americans have allowed
themselves to be degraded to such abject submission.

Yet Americans continue to vote for the illegal BAR
attorneys as politicians. It is simply the case of not
seeing the forest because the trees block visibility.

Tweetle-dum vs.Tweetle-dee is not the answer. A myriad
of rules,regulations, and economic incentives keep
grassroots Americans from vying for office. This must change.
Otherwise America will continue to sink into this abyss.

Very Truly Yours,

Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Raod
Covington,Virginia 24426


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