If Law Is Left To Fraudulent "Lawyers", Downfall Will Be Imminent- A Harsha Sankar Article
Dear Citizen,
October 2nd, 2018
As I has visited the fine people in the Alleghany Highlands, Virginia,
and the USA, I still feel people have become numb to the absolute number
enemy that is destroying our freedoms, sovereignty, and prosperity, the
Bar Associations and their cohort members, the "attorney profession".
So many over the last 27 years have told me that they agree, in
whole or in part, with my sentiments about the attorney profession and
their destructive impact on our lives, our economy, and our nation's
soul. However, so many have told me that they could not be vocal against
such a pervasive organization as I tried desperately to galvanize
critical support throughout the locality, state, and nation. Many told
me they were afraid that they would either go to jail/prison, lose their
jobs, businesses, key government and business contracts, tax-exempt
status,key assets, etc.
Of course there are many others who like the all-controlling
system because they wish to be the beneficiaries. They wish to utilize
it for purposes of enrichment, favors, protectionism, and suppression of
competition/opposition. Thirdly, there are those who do not want to
"rock the boat" and they honestly feel that the cancer of the fraudulent
and treasonous "legal profession" cannot be purged without causing great harm to the host nation.
As President F.D. Roosevelt quoted, the worst thing to fear is
fear itself. Americans should stand up to the barbarism,division, and
subterfuge that is being waged against them by the kleptocracy that has
its root cause in BAR hegemony and absolutism. Just look at the origin
and etymology of the word attorn. It comes from the Anglo-French word
"atturner" and it means to transfer and turn over. The BAR has already
made the judiciary omnipotent by rendering all citizens devoid of
rights. The yellow-fringed flags are evidence of that. So one can easily
deduce that the attorneys exist to turn over all matters to the
disposal of the admiralty/maritime courts. After all, the legal
definition of attorn is to classify the client as tenant of a new
landlord/owner of the same property. In other words, the courts will
always be landlords,despite being manned by different people over time,
of the people who are, in the BAR courts, classified as property.
The degradation and the kleptocracy waged by this psychopathic
elitism against the rights of the individual and people are evident
despite their best efforts to keep it hidden. However, when things are
hidden in plain sight, one has to wonder how any attorney has a social
conscience when they are part of something that is totally deceitful and
tyrannical. After all, which is worse? Is it knowing the true nature of
the BAR, from its inception to today's monstrous oligarchy, and not
revealing it to the people? Or is it not knowing something when
obviously that individual should have known?
If the law is left up to these predators, downfall will be imminent. People must act and must do so now.
Very Truly Yours,
Harsha Sankar
908 Valley Ridge Road
Covington,Virginia 24426
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