Sunday, May 26, 2019

"Yellow Vest Protests" Are Needed Against BAR Despotism-A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                                            March 22nd, 2019

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen sued the Trump Organization in New York Supreme Court on Thursday for $3.8 million in legal fees and costs. The lawsuit comes on the heels of his testimony to Congress last week, as he prepares to report to prison.
Roger Stone is claiming his defense against government charges in the Mueller Investigation against him will cost him $2 million.

These totally insane attorney fees is a testament of the fact that America has been totally destroyed and domiciled by the Bar Associations. No one can feel safe with fees and practices like this. It is this fear that will totally eviscerate our freedoms and liberties. Other BAR attorneys will refer to this as a benchmark.

The very fact we have a legal system that generates such extremely astonishing monetary amounts to the attorneys in one case is totally indicative to the sheer criminality of the BAR Attorney "profession". In fact, the biggest crimes are meted out by the BAR Attorney "profession" through their activities and it outweighs the magnitude of matters,crimes, and controversies being handled in the courts the vast majority of the times.

The BAR will convert all issues into an act of crime and civil liability. They will impose their tentacles into all transactions so they can continue to spread their over-intrusive tentacles, thereby often peddling their criminal acts much of the time.

We need a peaceful revolt and constant non-violent insurrection. Only through active civil disobedience can we purge our nation and our planet of this all-pervasive menace.While non-cooperation is a must, perhaps it is time for "Yellow Vest Protests"  to soon come to America's soil.

                                        Very Truly Yours,

                                        Harsha Sankar
                                        908 Valley Ridge Road
                                        Covington, Virginia 24426


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