Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Never Expect Good Fruit From A Corrupt Tree- A Harsha Sankar Article

Dear Citizen,                                                                         June 25th,2019

         As people continue to foolishly vote for attorneys in office, one must remember that the acorn never falls that far from the tree.
         The BAR Attorney profession is the biggest organized crime wave and union. An attorney-politician(Ben Cline) was elected to a congressional district somewhere in the East Coast. His father-in-law is a corporate attorney  who is involved in significant transgressions in reference to  educational and sporting institutes.

          I cannot believe people buy this nonsense in regards to these institutes. One cannot expect good fruit from a corrupt tree.Attorneys are not supposed to have a stake in any of their clients' matters. An attorney is not supposed to have decision-making authority over his client's affairs.. How else would an attorney claim objectivity in certifying clients' actions to the courts?

         Yet this corporate attorney(John Rocovich of Roanoke,Virginia) is involved in highly corrupt and criminal conflicts of interest. He is using client's money(foundation) to funnel money into projects, such as these institutes, that he has significant involvement. He co-ordinates these projects with other institutions he already has affiliation.. This again represents a criminal and corrupt conflict of interest.

          Keep in mind these projects do not work off of the free enterprise model.They survive off of taxpayer and taxbreak funds. This corporate attorney is clearly responsible for misappropriation of client's authority and resources. Judges are supposed to disallow these types of activities.Yet they are in cahoots with tax attorneys.

          It is hard not to despise the private and transnational Bar Associations. They have incorporated seamlessly and inconspicuously into the judiciary and other parts of government in many nations. Their highly interwoven network has penetrated many nations with clean governance with all their complicated nomenclature, convoluted procedures, and other silly customs just to extend their tentacles and hegemony over the people who are supposed to be sovereign.

         No more private control of governance. Dissolve and disband the BAR now. After all, the tree of liberty will never flourish if it is guarded by vipers.

                                                                             Very Truly Yours,
                                                                              Harsha Sankar
                                                                              908 Valley Ridge Road
                                                                              Covington, Virginia 24426


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