Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy- (Part Twelve) The Election Of The House Delegate/Assemblyperson
Population-Based Democracy Vs. Area-Based Democracy-(Part Twelve) The Election Of The House Delegate/Assemblyperson
In each Population-Based House Of Delegates/Assemblyperson race, there is one electoral vote assigned per election precinct. The candidate for this office who receives the most electoral votes in that House Of Delegates/Assemblyperson race is elected to that office. The candidate who receives the highest number of direct popular votes by the electorate in each election precinct is awarded the electoral vote assigned to that precinct. The electorate publicly casts their ballots.
While locality legislative office positions should be chosen by direct popular vote only, state and federal elected office positions should never be chosen by this mode.
The election of locality legislative officeholders has to be by direct popular vote only. This will afford the voters in a specific area (locality ward/district or precinct) who vote for the candidate(s) not receiving the highest number of votes in that specific area (locality ward/district or precinct) the chance to have their votes matter.
All votes for locality legislative officeholders will be counted and placed in one "pot" as all votes will be tabulated throughout the entire locality instead of in its parts. The voters, for the candidate(s) who loses in his/her specific locality's ward/district or precinct, will have their votes carry over and then tabulated at the entire locality level.
Checks and Balances are so important. That is why there must be different election modes for different electable positions.
Notes Version: The state lower house election must be electoral voting per precinct only. The reason for this is since this state elected legislative office is
closer to the People than the state upper house legislative office, it is important for the tabulation of votes to be based on a population-model.
All locality legislative officeholders must be elected by direct popular voting only because these officeholders are closer to the People than the state and federal legislative officeholders and also because the locality legislative offices possess the least amount of authority compared to the legislative officeholders at the other levels of government. Furthermore the
minorities in either a locality's ward/district or a locality's precinct must have
their votes counted at the entire locality level so that their votes carry over and have meaning.
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