Saturday, June 04, 2022

The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Five


The Use Of Electors-Clarification Part Five

The U.S. Constitution cites that electors who choose the President should also separately choose the Vice-President. Of course because the candidates for President and Vice-President are both on the same ticket, this is not the case.

The framers of this document did not desire the President and Vice-President to be on the same ticket. They envisioned two different races for those elected positions. That is why they specified that the electors provide two distinctly separate lists revealing not just the state's choice for each President and Vice-President but also a list of all the other candidates in those two separate races along with the vote totals of all candidates.

The framers wanted two entirely different races but they want the same set of electors from each state to cast the state's choice for each position. This is something that should change due to the changed nature of federal and state governments.

For the first 90 years, the state governments were sovereign republics with a great deal of independence. For the last 150+ years. they are now franchises of the federal government. Since the federal government is now the sovereign government power with a much greater deal of power, division of power is a must. The same set of electors should not choose both the President and Vice-President. Instead there must be two different sets of electors from each state who each choose one of these two different executive branch officeholder positions. One set of electors from each state chooses one executive branch officeholder position and the other set of electors from each state chooses the other executive branch officeholder position. 


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